I have recently acquired a soft-modded xbox, and am thoroughly enjoying it the benefits of XBMC thus far. However... the hard drive is like a drill through the head, so I have bought a Barracuda ATA IV as a replacement. All set to go, as per the very helpful xboxhd tutorials, but I am not able to get beyond the "No disk drive found on /dev/hda (primary master)" error.
I am using a Dell Dimension 5150, with an ISO in the primary CD drive (which reads ok on boot-up, and gives me the xboxhd menu), with (and this might be part of the problem!) a SATA to IDE Convertor attached to the Barracuda HD. I am using the power input from the Dell's DVD drive, the Barracuda is jumpered to Master, and the cable from the convertor is attached to the motherboards primary port normally used by the Dell's HD.
Any ideas folks? I am so nearly there, it is frustrating as hell! As soon as I get the noise issue, then I've actually got a fair chance of using this while the wife is in the house.
Thanks for the amazingly swift response, varnull. My DVD and CD drives in the Dell are both IDE - do you know if I would be able to utilise one of those?