I have a dozen 350 mb avi files that I'd like to put on dvds for stand-alone play. Obviously, the fewer the discs, the better.
I have re-encoded the files to various sizes with Avi ReComp, but Nero and its competitors don't care. Regardless of the size of the avi, they say that every single video is approximately 3.5 gig.
So ... how do I get them to smaller sizes and fit multiple videos on a single disc? Thanks so much!
Have you tried ConvertXtoDVD? I'd say you can put around 4 of those 350mb avi files on one DVD5 disc without too much loss of quality, I wouldn't try more than 6 though. You can also create menus for them as well.
Nero and the other converting software will take in consideration not just the size of your avi. The running time matters when you convert to DVD. You could probably use Nero and fit more AVIs on your DVD, however, you'd have to reduce the quality. If your 350mb is a 10 minute video, you can probably put 15-20 on a disc, however, if the same 350mb is a full hour episode, obviously you'll only be able to put a few on a DVD.
For a free application, try DVD Flick, if you already have ConvertxtoDVD, that should work good.