So, I woke up this morning and my iPhone showed the symbol for me to connect it to iTunes. When I connected it it told me that it needs to be restored to work. I clicked restored even though I knew I would lose all of my contacts, movies and songs but, for some reason it wont complete the restoration process. About 30 second into the process it says the iPhone encountered a unknown error and cannot continue. My phone still shows the connect to iTunes symbol and wont let me do anything until I connect it to iTunes. I have run out of idea.
Did you plug it into a previous generation iphone or ipod accessory such as a wall charger? Many people don't know that the iPhone 3G is not backwards compatible with older generation equipment such as chargers and stereo docks. I don't know why apple does this. At the very least keep in mind that in the future if you decide to buy iPhone 3G accessoriesedited by ddpyou need to make sure it is compatible. Also you should try doing a soft reset first which is to hold the home and sleep/wake button at the same time! good luck and I hope it works out for you!
Update your Itunes to the latest version (8.2) and go to those youtube videos where you can download Apple Iphone OS 3.0 and download it. Keep in mind that you need the official one released by apple, dont download the betas. Save it to your Desktop, and once its finished downloading, go to Itunes 8.2 and when it tells you to restore, hold down SHIFT and click restore, it will ask you for a firmware. so go to your desktop, and choose the Firmware you just downloaded. It should restore. Then if you are a T-mobile customer like me, you should do the Ultrasn0w unlock, it is pretty simple. good luck man, i had the same problem but i did that and it worked for me
Hold the type right button and the center power button at the same time and it will reset your iphone. It may take a few moments. If that does not work I would contact the store you bought it from. Hopefully you have an applestore nearby bc apple will not let any store other than a mac store do repairs on the iphone.