Which type is the best media to backup my DVDs? I do not make pirated dvds, I repeat I DO NOT MAKE OR PLAN TO MAKE PIRATED DVDs, but people who sell them use PRINCOs DVDs, for experimental purposes I have used them and they seem to work great on every dvd player. I however, have used Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim and do not work on certain DVDs. Sometimes they cut right in the middle of the movie and some times not work at all. Only on some standalone DVD Players though. Should I give PRINCOs a shot ? Thanks.
I have used them and they seem to work great on every dvd player. I however, have used Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim and do not work on certain DVDs.
Usually it's the opposite. Try the opposite format of verbatim.
You're comparing backups from 2+ different dvd-rw drives. What works good on 1 drive,may not with another drive.
This goes under OPB which means Other People's Backups.Not all dvd-rw drives are alike. There's some great burners,mediocre burners,and some crappy burners. The person you got the princo discs from may have had a pioneer,plextor,or benq drive.They may have even been booktyped if they are on plus format media.
if you're using a dvd-rw drive that was bundled with your pc,you may have gotten a TSST,HP,or some other inferior drive. Huge difference between my HP and any of my Benqs or plextor. I'd guess I could use princo's with 95% chance of no issues in the Q's,but my HP drive definitely would have trouble with them.
With the differences of these burners,comes the compatability factor. Stand alone players can tell a difference between backups from certain drives. Usually format. Dash format may work good for 1 person-pioneer,but not for me on any of my Benqs. Sure my benqs will burn them very good,just the backups yield a lower stand alone player compatability. My benqs will booktype the plus format to dvd-rom,therefore increasing stand alone player compatability.
Burn programs,speed of burning,certain MID coded media,firmware updates,and lots of other culprits that'll contribute to your situation.
Check the format that was used on the princo backups. Try the opposite on your dvd-rw drive.Keep the burn around 4x-8x with verbatim.Keep compression to a minimum.No multitasking,keep the backup target to 4360 mbs.Reducing backup target will keep the burn from reaching the outer edge.You may even have to try another burn engine. Some drives that my backups have been played on could tell a difference between dvd decrypter's burn enging and Nero. For your dvd-rw drive,you'll have to find the right recipe that suits all your dvd drives-Stand alone players/Game consoles/pc drives.