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diff of 8x DigitalMovie DVD+R Discs vs16x DVD+R Discs?
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Junior Member
11. December 2008 @ 22:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Which is better - Verbatim 8x DigitalMovie DVD+R Discs or Verbatim 16x DVD+R Discs? I will use them for burning windows movie maker slideshows or for burning avi movies. Not sure what digital movie disc does.


Senior Member
12. December 2008 @ 06:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
gail157- Oher than speed The differences are c0smetic ! if I understand your purpose for the disc correctly either should work equally well assuming you don't have very very old dvd Drive/Burner ? Also Verbatim is some of the Best media made so you've chosen well ! if you've used both before and had good results with each get whichever one you prefer or whichever is less expensive ? Cheers & merry XMas !!!

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Senior Member
12. December 2008 @ 15:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
16X media have a faster reacting dye, either the same dye as that used in 8X versions but thinned out a bit or a different formulation. The viscosity is also altered to produce flatter, more uniform coatings. The disc substratess are also specified to be flatter than those for 8X recordings.
Junior Member
12. December 2008 @ 20:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks so much for your replies. I have used Verbatim in the past and liked it. I was just unsure of what "digital movie" dvd provides differently than the regular ones I have used. They are both the same price with one being 8x and one being 16x, but the 8x is the "digital movie" type and the 16x is not.

Thanks for your help.

Senior Member
17. December 2008 @ 10:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
gail157- anytime your welcome ! Your in pretty good shape with Verbatim most members regard it as About the best ( Branded ) Dvd media available right up there with Taiyo yuden Though Taiyo yudens are mainly sold by online vendors or occasionally under other brand names ! Verbatims you can get most anywhere !!! so good luck ,Happy Burning & merry xmas !!!

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AfterDawn Addict
20. December 2008 @ 07:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The +4x MCC-002 Verbatim Digital Movie blank media was very good. The +8x should yield MCC-003 and are very good.MCC-003 is almost the best media that I have ran into,just harder to find.

These discs uaually are higher priced,but basically same as the regular MCC-003 verbatim media. You're basically paying for a fancier pic on top of your disc.You also have limited space to label it with a sharpie.

One thing about + 16x MCC-004 verbatim,they liked to be burned faster. Trouble may rise if burning them at 4x and under. Keep it at least 8x-12x.

If the price was the same on both those verbatim,I'd get the Movie quality ones.

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