Guys PLEASE can someone help on how to kill the leader of the mutants on GEARS OF WAR 1 RAAM?! It's on the back of the train before you have to plant the bomb. I assume it's the last thing you have to do before the game is completed? Anyway how do you kill the as*hole?!!
After Anya blabs about having to drop the bomb, wall mount over the first barrier... then run like hell to the second block on the right side, and cover and try to stay to the right of it... keep shooting him with your lancer to get his attention, so he will walk toward you. If done correctly, he will stay in 1 spot, and keep growling or whatever... when he's stuck, you can toss a grenade at the floor behind him... when it pops, pull the lancer out and unload a full clip onto him. Active reload helps. Rince and repeat. If/when you run out of grenades, use the Torque Bow. It should only be 1 or 2 shots from the Torque bow and he'll be screaming for his miserable life.
There's also a video tutorial on Youtube too, you just gotta find it.