I am having problems getting movies to encode then burn. I have tried Nero, DVD flick, Convert and many other programmes. It starts of well but then about half way through it either disappears altogether or the computer crashes and reboots.
It could be something...or something else.
I had something that describes your symptoms happening because the PC was overheating during the encoding- it is CPU intensive and my fan was dusty and burned out.nero Vision would always shut down and reboot. I would take a look inside your box, check the fans. If you live in a funkin freezing place like me, I'd attempt a conversion by the open window(everything else might become an icicle though:)!)
You could have some codecs conflicts...You would try DXMan or codec Sniper to have a look at your codecs.
Does it happen with more than one video? If that's the case, probably less likely a corrupt video to be the culprit...
I'm sure something else could cause it, be back if I think of something else.
As cyprusrom stated, there are a multitude of things that could be causing this types of problem. If you are sure that it is not your CPU overheating, then it could also be that you have a faulting memory module. There are a number of programs to test this, but one of the quickest and easiest can be found HERE. Regardless this is going to require some diagnostic testing on your end to help narrow it down for us to be able to better help you.