Congrats on all you're doing. I keep forgetting I bes a whole lot older than yalls be. I hope your catching when you're fishing. My favorite hobby that I don't do nearly enough.
Yep... you're an OLD CODGER GARmoonY!!! hehehee. :p
Robert... I gotta get out and fish more this summer.... the boys just love it and the little girl does too. :)
ive been to the dive about 10 times in the pass 2 weeks got a big GOOSE EGG to show for it. plus im getting low on cases. im under 200 id say.. i gotta find a loaded
Originally posted by cincyrob: ive been to the dive about 10 times in the pass 2 weeks got a big GOOSE EGG to show for it. plus im getting low on cases. im under 200 id say.. i gotta find a loaded
Just like your beloved Reds Rob. My Red Sox had the smarts to retire early this year. The swamp thing shows his mighty self again, greetings to all!
My sister donated her old laptop to me 'cuz it wouldn't boot up properly. Only had a corrupted Win XP problem, pulled her I-Tunes Library off and transferred it to her new laptop, installed Windows 7 and away we go! I know it doesn't qualify as a true dumpster dive but hey, under a plie of old cat toys and clothes is as close to a dumpster I'vebeen in a while.
It's good to see that some things still go bump, crash and splash in the middle of the night.
Since last posting here I pulled a pretty good quality LCD sticking out the trash. Two of the capacitors had went bad. Replaced them with spares I had and now I have a 1280x1024 res screen. The colors are pretty nice too.
Have'nt Really Dived I quite a long while Because My Resident Supplier of Free Dvd case,s Movies , Poster and Other such Swagg { BlockBuster has Been Slowly Closing Down Stores In The Baton Rouge area and No store , No Cases , no dumpster !!! I did hit the jackpot when they Closeed the Perkins Rd. store It's a Doc In the Box Now ! so I can'T complain ? But It was Fun and Furious while it lasted ! I'll Still Dive when & where I get a Chance But I'm purdy well set For awhile case wise ! so It's not that bad . Only Downside to netflix No stores to Dive behind Oh well That's life Peace Out yo!!!!!