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New to modding: quite confused.
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22. December 2008 @ 21:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm pretty new to modding consoles/computer devices. So I recently looked up how to mod my old xbox because; well, it's old and I wanna do other things with it other than play xbox games. I softmodded my box with this guide: Here

Now I'm confused as to how I would install XBMC onto my xbox. I've created an xbox controller hook up to usb to computer connectors. (Very end of the xbox controller that plugs into the xbox with a male usb end on it. Then plug a double ended usb cable (male and female ends) into that and then into the computer.) In hopes of using an ftp program to transfer XBMC over, but I'm pretty wary about this. Is there an easier way? Would I have to hook the console back up to the computer and install xbmc from a usb stick drive into the computer and then through to the xbox or is what I'm doing with the controller usb cable the right thing? Anything else I should know or anything that could go wrong (besides the risks of switching cables from computers to hardrives :p)

I've read a bunch of other tutorials and such, but they all pretty much make use of Mech Assault or Splinter Cell, a flash drive, action replay and etc. I've read a bunch of forum topics on here too and with all the terms, I'm still confused. Helps appreciated. :D
23. December 2008 @ 05:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
have you softmodded the xbox or not? which dashboard are you using? evox, or unleash? i've looked at that way of softmodding, but that is new to me. i prefer the easier method that is used on this site, but it is up to anyone to choose there own method. you should run the softmod first. then you can either ftp into your xbox. there is a great tutorial on this website about how to get into your xbox. you can use the free ftp program in the download section.

another way to get xbmc is to download the aid 4.30 (4.40?) dvd disc. it has loads of apps on it, including xbmc. download the disc, burn it onto a dvd. load up your softmod, then put the dvd into the drive of your xbox and install all the apps you want. but you have to get the ftp working, or else how do you expect to get movies into your xbox (usb, if it works, will take ages).
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23. December 2008 @ 08:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yea, it's softmodded. Took awhile, but I got it. And I still have the regular dashboard, I don't have evox or unleashed on there (at least I don't think I have it on there.)

I'll look into that aid thing and around the site more for tutorials. Thanks. :)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. December 2008 @ 09:54

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4. April 2009 @ 00:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey there, my xbox is also softmodded. What I do is I have a crossover cable from the xbox to my PC.

Using ftp program, I can ftp into the xbox and transfer my movies to one of the partitions, like the F drive.

Crossover cable is the easiest and cheapest way, or you could use a router with 2 ethernet cables (one from router to xbox, and other cable to PC).

Assign your xbox a static ip address like, and give your PC a static ip address like, where the subnet mask of the network is

Now load a FTP program like filezilla, and use port 21, login = xbox, password = xbox, and you should be able to access your xbox hard drive from the PC!

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28. April 2009 @ 06:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Do you still need help with this subject? If so I can probably help you. I am not an expert but I have modded dozens of boxes and because I am not an expert I can probably explain in terms you might understand.
As I watched the video and read the tut you had a link to I Saw in the video that Unleash X came up on the screen and then a blue screen and not the green microsoft dash came up. that is what I use.
The tut says that it is supposed to boot the Evox dash but it isnt what their video shows. This is okay though as the installers give you the option to install either one and boot either one.
If your xbox comes on with a different screen than the original now that you have done the steps in the tutorial you gave you can now FTP.
To do this go into settings then network. Where it says type you want it to say DHCP or Static > No. I have seen both ways so I dont know which yours will say but you do not want static, you will want DHCP. Save and exit. Reboot. If you then connect a ethernet cable to a router that is connected to your pc or if you have a crossover cable connected straight to your pc from your xbox, you will then get an IP on your xbox that looks something like IP the last 3 numbers will usually change everytime your boot your xbox.
start an ftp program like smartftp or fastftp and where it says connection or IP you want to put in the numbers that are on your xbox while it is on and connected to your pc. Name is XBOX and password is xbox or the other way around I dont remember but just use xbox with or without caps for both name and password. Once it connects all the folders of your xbox will show in a window on your ftp program. FTP xbmc to your E:Apps folder, if you dont have one make one. You can drag and drop like any other folder on your computer. Then go to your xbox file explorer to your E: Apps folder and highlight the file for xbmc and unzip it right in that file. that should install it to your Applications folder for use. Reboot, then go to Applications on you Xbox. It should say it in there. Click and use. If you want to use that XBMC as your dash, and you can, I can find out how to do that for you but I have not done it so I can not tell you yet. It is found in these forums though.
If you need more help just ask here.
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28. April 2009 @ 06:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Also if you can get a hold of 007, mechassault or splinter cell (any original non burned game) and you now have a modded xbox, ftp the game save for the game you have and the SID 5.01 installer to your memory card. I promise it is way easier to mod than the method you used. I can mod an unmodded box start to finish in about 3 minutes without opening the box. It is just like loading a game from a saved spot. once you do that the installer comes up and walks you through, back up EEPROM and MS dash, then install your dash you want (Evox or Unleash X) reboot and you are done.
That is if you ever are going to mod another box. it is a lot easier for someone new than to hotswap and boot the xboxhdm cd. That is fully explained here (thanks Chunkhead)
it looks like a lot but it isnt. Chunkhead was REALLY thorough and covered everything and added pics and all. If you have that page up while you are working you can go step by step with the pictures so you dont mess up. > forums > archived forums > xbox - hardware boot discussion > new to modding: quite confused.

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