No one's buying music on CD's anymore. DVD-R's have replaced CD-Rs as a storage medium; blu-ray is soon replacing DVD-R's/DVD's.
What are CD-Rs used for now any way? Music play back? Nope, no one walks around with CD-walkman. Even tape walkman was preferrable as it didnt skip or shut off at a slightest bump. iPod/MP3 is the only portable music player.
Thus, CD-Rs are going the way of the floppy, zip, syquest, jaz, etc.
I think CDs and CDRs in general are slowing way down - if thats not obvious. There is still a pretty good size market for them though because its something physical people can buy, tote around etc. Musicians of course favor the cd's because its something physical they can sell - or maybe hand out free at gigs. We run a cd printing company and still see quite a large demand........but of course always wonder when this will start to dissipate.
Originally posted by badfish20: I still use them. If I don't have a lot to back up then they're much cheaper and I listen to cd's when my Ipod is dead haha
CD's are actually more expensive than DVD's where I am. a 50 pk of CD's is around $20, and a 100 pk of DVD's is the same price. It doesn't make sense to me, but maybe that's because demand for CD's is lower so they're making less?
I agree with Iluvendo--if you want decent audio quality, a CD is the only disc medium that can be considered "master" quality unless one has the wherewithal to record multi-channel audio at 96kHz to a DVD disc. DVDs can record wav files, but only a few players can play them back as audio files. Blu-ray is not likely to replace DVD+/-R or DVDs any time soon: too limited, too expensive, too fragile, too short-lived as an archival medium. (Sony has cut back its annual projection for Blu-ray sales because the public is generally unwilling to spend $30/movie in order to see facial stubble in great detail on large projection screens or very large TVs. An upconverted $10 DVD on a smaller display looks very good already and is satisfactory on the largest screens.)
Years ago I witnessed a Sony comparison of VHS, DVD, and High Definition at a Consumer Electronics Show. Three HD monitors displayed the standard video fare at the time: a bumblebee pollinating a flower, goldfish under water, ladies in elegant kimonos slowly turning brightly colored parasols. Everyone gathered around the HD display because it looked so much better than the DVD and the VHS (recorded at the slowest EP speed although Sony never mentioned that fact) when looking at the fine hairs on the bees' legs or the veins in the flowers. No one looked at either the VHS or DVD displays. Then the programme switched to "The Terminator." Once a story line and some action showed up, the crowd dispersed evenly between all three displays to watch with far less distinction in the quality. If people are interested in a story, especially one with action, DVD is OK. When someone claims that Blu-ray is "the bee's knees," maybe they literally mean just that.
I have a 52" Samsung LCD 120Hz
Some Blu-ray movies are amazing compared to DVDs I'm not about to rebuy all my collection, just the favorites.
I compared The Simpsons Movie and Wall-EBlu-ray to DVD, huge difference. Blu-ray is much sharper and brighter.
CDs are more expensive than DVDs in Canada because there are Levies, but those levies allow freedom of use.