I Have Lost Faith in Verbatim
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1 product review
24. December 2008 @ 23:16 |
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This is an update with Verb +DL issues I reported earlier.
I burned about 15, and 5 have been coasters. These Made in India discs are crap. Before the move, the MIS discs averaged 1 coaster out of 20. 5 out of 15 is unacceptable. I emailed support at verb and they seem to agree saying just give me receipt and address and they will replace the discs.- that was 1 month ago. I never gave my receipt because they online resolution center doesn't allow attachments. So I just responded with my address. Support never responded back, the case is still open.
Very disappointing. I don't' know how long Verb can keep this up.
Senior Member
25. December 2008 @ 00:02 |
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Say it isn't so! I knew we were in serious trouble when the Verbatim center near me shut down. I can still find the MIT and MIS Verbs here, but am steering clear of the Malaysia/India varities of any disk until I hear good things about them, (Kinda doubt that I ever will though).
Senior Member
8. January 2009 @ 11:39 |
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well then -and now for something completely Different !!! !!! - Not ! -I limit myself to the Made In taiwan Verbatims unless I'm getting DVD+DL's then It's Singapore Tyme !!!- I understand we can't always control what media we get ( presents ,Birthadys Xmas , hannakuh ect... ! ) I got a 25 pk. Of JVC DVD+R's From a friend and I'm not sure if they'll Be good for anything 'cept non- critical stuff or data but they meant well !!! . As long as I can still find MIT Verbatims I'll stick with them ! If they completely switch over to India /malaysia or some other country then well there is always Sony & Taiyo yudens left Right ?
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
8. January 2009 @ 15:39 |
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This is unfortunate, hopefully your complaint and others will help them solve their problems.
2 product reviews
8. January 2009 @ 16:05 |
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SamsClub Sells The Made In Taiwan And Made in Singapore disc's thats where i Buy All My Discs And Have Not Been Unhappy
They Sell In My Area 50 DVD+R DL's For $60.00 USD
Hope It Helps
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
8. January 2009 @ 23:42 |
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JoeRyan told me the MIT Ritek 2.4x DL's were ok
"The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
Ferengi 82nd rule of aqusition

1 product review
9. January 2009 @ 00:21 |
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I haven't had any problems with the OD branded Ritek DL's either...100% for me so far, about 35 out of a 50 spindle.
Senior Member
9. January 2009 @ 16:10 |
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LOCOENG-that's good to know cause I bought some OD DL that they was red tagging ! Just have'nt decided what I what to put on them movie wise ? Thanks for the info .LOCOENG later on Buddy !!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
2 product reviews
9. January 2009 @ 17:50 |
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Ive said for years that I hated those verbatim made in india.I feel vindicated!!!In fact anything made in india is shyte....theyll cut thier arms off to save a cent
pork pie,fish pie,cherry pie,hairy pie.Ill eat em all
1 product review
9. January 2009 @ 21:14 |
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Originally posted by BIGTOXY69: LOCOENG-that's good to know cause I bought some OD DL that they was red tagging ! Just have'nt decided what I what to put on them movie wise ? Thanks for the info .LOCOENG later on Buddy !!!!
I put games on them, I've only found a handful of movies that deserve the extra attention that won't fit easily on SL media. :)
Senior Member
10. January 2009 @ 01:50 |
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Originally posted by pieman: Ive said for years that I hated those verbatim made in india.I feel vindicated!!!In fact anything made in india is shyte....theyll cut thier arms off to save a cent
off topic I know, but the chai tea from India is quite good !
Life is Grand !

Senior Member
2 product reviews
10. January 2009 @ 09:58 |
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pork pie,fish pie,cherry pie,hairy pie.Ill eat em all