Im working on backin up my DVD collection. Staples has a sale on sony DVD-R's right now but I want to make sure they will be compatable. I mainly use my XBox 360 for playback, but sometimes use a cheap DVD player in my living room. When burning to DVD+R's I ran into a lot of trouble and needed to change the booktype. I've always had success with the DVD-RW's though. I'd like to keep the process simple and not need to mess with the booktypes or anything like that again. Would the DVD-R's be alright?
Sony are pretty decent if you have a plextor or benq drive. They'll burn anything you slap in them.Now the other staple's media like HP,Philips,and their brand name- Plum full of Cmags and maybe even MBI-Moser Bauer on the Made in India packs-beware of them.
When burning to DVD+R's I ran into a lot of trouble and needed to change the booktype.
What programs you using to do the booktyping?
I use q-suite and it's set to booktype all the plus formats to dvd-rom and nothing to change when switching back and forth from plus R's,plus RW's, and my dash R ty watershields.Set it and forget it.
Once those backups are booktyped,those backups will play on a lot more drives,especially the the picky ones..