Ok, so I usually use dvdflick to encode AVI and other format videos. This works 95 percent of the time without error.
The other 5 percent, dvdflick fails at the end, right before burning. What Ive found, is that the video files are complete, and ready to be burned. Somewhere along the line the burning process failed though.
Now I used to use a certain Nero Program to then burn these completed Video_TS files, problem is I cannot seem to find this program now for the life of me.
My question is what is the best software to use to burn these completed dvd files. Nothing needs converted, just simply adding the files then burning them.
The best burning program is 'Imgburn' - it's part of the DVD Flick package.
Instead of burning the disk, turn that off in the Project Settings.
Let DVD Flick save the output to the folder;play the files to prove they are good, then run Imgburn (locate 'imgburn.exe' and make a shortcut on the desktop)..
Choose 'Write files/folders to disc' and drag the 'VIDEO_TS' folder onto the window.
Click the 'Device' tab and set a moderate burn speed.
The Imgburn log file is under the 'Help' tab on the top menu.
Start => Search => All Files and folders => type in imgburn.exe then click 'Search'.
When it's located, right click on it and select 'Create Shortcut'.