I have the unrated version of this one. I used dvdfab 5230 on this one. At first, I got an error while it was ripping at about 67%. I checked my settings, and realized I had path player disabled. When I clicked on to enable path player when necessary and restarted dvdfab, it had no trouble. 2009 01 13
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new version of the BD+ copy protection
- New (HD DVD): Improved the "rename highest XPL file" option.
The DISCID.DAT file is modified, so previously downloaded web
content will not interfere if AACS is removed.
- New (dvd.cfm" class="forum_link" target="_blank">HD DVD): Workaround for TMT & PowerDVD problems with some
discs, when AnyDVD is enabled, e.g "MI:3", Europe
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (DVD): Values in the CSS key archive will be ignored, if the
CSS keys can be found without a brute force attack
- New (DVD): AI Scanner improved
- Fix (DVD): With some discs CSS decryption could fail
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
Hi, stil having a issue with this dvd. i uncoded with dvdfab, then fixd with fixit, then use shrink, but when it goes to burn, i get a error, saying its missing a file at vob 10.01 or something. THat was one of the problem files that fixit was supposed to fix? ANyone got any ideas?
Originally posted by gfnk1087: Hi, stil having a issue with this dvd. i uncoded with dvdfab, then fixd with fixit, then use shrink, but when it goes to burn, i get a error, saying its missing a file at vob 10.01 or something. THat was one of the problem files that fixit was supposed to fix? ANyone got any ideas?
have you considered using vob blanker instead of fixvts ?
You may just like it !
Either something went wrong when you ran it through fixvts or you have a bad rip (my guess).
Re-rip it & try again.
If you not using the latest DVDFab - - update to it first.
Yeh i was using newest version of dvdfab, but even with it i still needed to use fixit. I guess i can still try vod blanker. but i sent the disc back because i got a good rip, and it actaully went thru shrink no prob, til it got to the burn process. I use Nero as burn software. Do u think i can still use vod blanker after i already used fixit and saved it over the original rip? I tried lookin for info on fixit and couldnt find any info on how to use the program because it was discontinued.
Ummm sent back the dvd? Like you exchanged it? Really stretching it here. Rent & burn = piracy & not allowed.
In the chance that we are looking at an mail exchange here - try vobblanker on the files from dvdfab - may help. Skip to the vobblanker part in this guide - link The error still points to a bad rip - a file is missing that is needed during the video allocation.
You can also try Recode instead of Shrink and see of that makes a diff.
Then there's CloneDVD - not free but has a free 21 day trial.
THanks, yes i sent it back to the store, did get a new copy and will try vod blanker when my wife comes home with it. I am actually trying vod on the copy i already have to see what happens. Thanks for the advice