2009 01 13
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new version of the BD+ copy protection
- New (HD DVD): Improved the "rename highest XPL file" option.
The DISCID.DAT file is modified, so previously downloaded web
content will not interfere if AACS is removed.
- New (dvd.cfm" class="forum_link" target="_blank">HD DVD): Workaround for TMT & PowerDVD problems with some
discs, when AnyDVD is enabled, e.g "MI:3", Europe
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (DVD): Values in the CSS key archive will be ignored, if the
CSS keys can be found without a brute force attack
- New (DVD): AI Scanner improved
- Fix (DVD): With some discs CSS decryption could fail
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages