I'm new here :D I've been looking around a lot for Swap Magic info and it generally leads me here. I'm curious, is there ANY way to load DVD backups through the Swap Magic CD? Even things along the lines of making a copy of the DVD version and loading that through the CD version. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I searched through the forums a bit and didn't see an answer to this. If it has been answered please point me in that direction.
*sigh* I thought I just replied to this same question last week. Ok... Listen up, you can not straight swap because the laser will be in CD mode while trying to read DVD's. Also, swapping requires the disc the ps2 THINKS is in the tray to be equal or bigger to the backup you're trying to boot(TOC).
If you have a flash drive, you can use swap magic to boot up a .elf file. Cogswap would allow you to play dvd and cd backups by doing a detected swap to an original ps2 DVD or CD game that has a large TOC (table of contents. In other words, put it in a computer and see how much space the game takes up on the disc. The more the better, but it only has to be more than the backup you're trying to boot) It won't work with dual layered discs. Press x, cogswap will spin the disc up and stop it, do an undetected swap to your backup, press x and play.
Or, you can use swap magic to install Free MCBoot on to your memory card. Look it up and follow the instructions. You'll want ESR.ELF (direct, direct off, and mcard versions all work a little differently)with Free McBoot. With this set up, you can patch a ps2 game ISO (dvd's only)before burning it and then boot them directly from your ps2 starting screen by putting the game in and choosing esr from the list. The screen will turn a bunch of different colors, but then it'll start the game. (usually. If not, try a different ESR like direct off)
If any of this sounds to complicated or to confusing... someone else can clarify. Just remember keywords
Free McBoot
There are guides all over the place to help you, enjoy.
hi, my ps2 has stopped booting the dvd version of swap magic for no reason
reading your responses i'm curious (as i'm a newbie)
1. is cogswap similar to those youtube vids you see when they swap original psone cd to play backedup psone on a ps2? but the only difference is cogswap allows the motor to stop? if this is so doesn't that mean i don't need a swap magic? if so then this method is far more superior, no more 'omg' my swap magic is screwed or what not, or dumb questions like can you burn them
2. is Mcboot similar to those self booting dreamcast games? because you can boot up dreamcast games with a downloadable and burnable boot disk, and then just swap and play, however some I have seen been patched to self boot....is that the ps2 equivalent to it?
anyways if you people want to help me out that would be cool, if not i'll go sulk, l8rs