Hi, this is my first post. I have the following question: it is posible to run an USB memomry like a DVD disk on a DVDPlayer? I recently bought a Philips DVP3254K that runs DivX files and has a USB port, I tested DivX files from the USB memory and I wonder if it is posible that the DVDPlayer runs the USB memory like a DVD disk? Thanks in advance for the help!
I don't know how your player differs from mine (DVP5990) but in my case, while you can copy the VIDEO_TS folder to the USB device - and open it on the player - it won't emulate a disk.
If you select the first video file listed (probably a menu file) the menu will be displayed, but not selectable.
Then the actual movie will start to play, but may stop at the end of the first VOB file and return to the player menu.
I believe it's because the .IFO files are not recognized that neither subtitles, audio streams etc are selectable - perhaps because those IFO files refer to sectors on a DVD that don't exist on a FAT32 drive?
Another quirk is that the files written to the flash drive are listed in order that they were written - not alphabetically.
I also see that files larger than 200MB take longer to start playing after selection.
Thanks for your answer attar and yes, all that you write is true. I hope if exists any kind of program that runs the USB Memory like a DVD unit someone post it here.
Does the player support MKV? A single MKV file can hold the movie, extras, and everything all in one file.
If you just want to watch the movie (no forced previews, extras, or menus), just extract the main VOB of the disc using DVD Decrypter or something...I am sure your dvd player will play that.