I have successfully modded my 1.0 xbox and upgraded my HDD a couple times, everything went amazing! All SoftMod. So my friend decides he wants a MODBOX too and goes and gets an XBOX. we sit down, plug my Drive into his box and we get an error...Then starts my 4 day venture and endless search on google!
I think i'm pretty close to having tried everything.
I tried the following swap techniques
1- (this worked on my rubber cased drive) Copy a song from a cd, play the coppied song then paused it...hot swapped the drive to my computer with it paused on the splash screen, continued the boot...then backed everything up, voila..it was unlocked and i could do everything from there. This DID NOT WORK ON MY SEAGATE DRIVE. Which sucked!!
2- I tried removing the power from the dvd drive in the box and powering up the drive, recieve error 12, hot swapped the drive, still nothing.
3- I have tried ATAPWD, nothing
4- i tried my old eeproms...obviously this didn't work either
5- i tried the mhdd seagate plus 25 spaces...nothing..
9- Finally! i came accross Xplorer360 Beta 6! I can now look through my wonderful drive! But where is my eeprom.bin? i can't find it! i'm backing up my whole drive right now to a bin file on my desktop, then i'm going to take my other xbox drive that i successfully modded (80gb), and i'm going to try to restore that image to that drive...and then add some files in and see if i can change some things around to match my modded drive. I hope that this works...but i'm a little nervous.
If there is a better/easier way that i can use then awesome!!! but so far this is my last hope, and i really hope it works. Please help me if you can. thanks a TON!
I have tried upgrading the firmware but apparently my drive isn't supported. It's the White Slim Drive with
you need to use either evox to backup eeprom.bin or use config magic final . Be very careful if you use config magic . Once you backup with evox it will be in your evox dashboard file . IE : E:/Evolutionx/backup . Or however you set it up . Config magic will be spread out in E:/ . It will be a 256k file . Easy as pie my friend . Good luck .
On the original post i stated that it was my 1.2 or 1.3 system that i couldn't pull the eeprom from. my 1.0 i obviously pulled, since i upgraded my drive. as stated in my original post. I'm having a problem now extracting my eeprom since i couldn't successfully mod my 1.2 (or 1.3) drive. But apparently i'm one of the first who could successfully unlock the drive. (since hot swapping didn't work and i don't have a chip since i can't find any non solder mod chips.).
Since your not able to get a hold of a modchip , then softmod or exploit mechassasult or 007 or splinter cell . If you just want to get your eeprom.bin backed up then i would suggest goin with an exploit . Then get your eeprom.bin , then go from there .
I don't think you are understanding my problem here....so to better explain it...i successfully modded my 1.2 (or 1.3) drive, i had to unlock it using my pc (no eeprom) to do this...since the hotswap technique didn't work. So i mod my drive, re lock it (using XBOXSCENE as the password), and now i get an error 6, which means my xbox isn't unlocking the drive because i didn't re-lock the drive to my box, i just used a password. any fixes without an eeprom reader/soldering/mod chip?
No . You need a eeprom reader . Other than that , sorry . And even worse i dont believe a modchip would fix your problem as i did the same thing you did a few years ago . In which i junked that xbox out . With a softmodded box and unlocked or improperly locked hd you will get code 5 - 6 . I feel your pain .