I'm getting a hum through my speakers, and a really bad one through the sub. It's worsened when the furnace, kettle or microwave is on. This is coupled with purple lines scrolling upwards on a new plasma tv.
The lines only happen when playing video games, or when the computer is on the tv. That's when the hum is the worst.
I've done some reading and it seems to be a ground loop problem. What I have found - if I unplug my computer's powerbar, the problem completly stops. No hum, no lines, perfect sound no matter what appliance is running... but no computer which is not practical.
As soon as I plug the powerbar back in the hum returns. This is where I am confused. The receiver does not have a 3 prong plug. Only the tv does. So how does a ground loop effect the receiver?
What I know is, the computer receptical and tv receptical are in different rooms. They are also each on their own circuit breaker. And on top of that, they are both wired solo, meaning they are the only device on that line. 1 breaker to 1 receptical. which is uncommon but thats how it is. obviously they share a common neutral and ground at the panel. now the panel is only grounded to the incoming water feed and not a seperate ground plate from the earth like in most houses. ALSO the incoming cable is grounded to the same water feed.
So with the receiver being only 2 pronged, what's actually going on?
Can a ground loop effect somthing that's not grounded?
Is my computer sending dirty noise through the neutral?
If I were to drill a ground spike into the earth and isolate the ground of either the computers receptical or the tv's to it would that solve the problem?
could somone please help.. it's too costly to trial and error all the loop isolators and noise filters which just muffles the problem, and it's not an option to unplug my computer.