I'm wondering if you could offer some help. I have some DVDs which I want to copy and edit to make them allowable for my children to view. The edits would amount to a removal of 10-30 seconds in 1 or 2 sections of the movie. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
To assemble different parts from a DVD?s with Shrink 3.1.7 beta 5
The first thing to do is put the DVD in, then click ?Open disc? , let it analyze and then select ?re-author?.
Then use the start/end feature to select the chapter and specific scenes you want. When you?ve done that, back it up to a HD folder.
Continue this until you have everything you want in a bunch of folders on your HD. Each created folder has a VIDEO_TS and a AUDIO_TS folder in it.
To assemble them open Shrink again, choose ?Open Files? and ?re-Author?, then use the browser to find and add all your VIDEO_TS folders.
Then choose ?Backup? . Shrink will analyze the compilation and use Nero to fire that baby up :P
I've searched the forum and this question was the closest I've seen to mine, but not quite.
I use Xcopy Platinum. I would like to know if it's possible (or ever will be) to "piece" portions of different DVD's onto one DVD. In other words, to keep piggybacking unrelated scenes one after the other and keep adding.