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need help entering somthing new
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29. January 2009 @ 14:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi. id like to know what i got to do to be able to copy xbox and xbox 360 games and be able to play them i got both console and this is a new world for me lol.i need detailed instruction if anyone is willing please. thank you very much.
31. January 2009 @ 12:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You should be able to google Softmodding for the original Xbox but with the Xbox 360 you'll need a modchip or hack the DVD-Rom drive to allow that.

So from my own experience Softmodding for the original xbox is nice but you may want to look into upgrading the hard drive to a bigger size (Allows much more data of course to be stored and might move a bit faster depending on the new Hard Drive). Don't expect to go on xbox live though with it softmodded unless you do it right otherwise you'll need a modchip that can be turned off and on.

The Xbox 360 make sure that if you want to play on xbox live that you get a chip/device that will allow you to either have a switch to turn it off or that turn it's self off (not sure if they have those though yet) otherwise you'll get you xbox banned from xbox live.

There are tons of tutorials that give you step by step directions on how to mod either one you just have to find them, if you want a good place to start message me and I'll point you into a direction.

Hope that helps a little,

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