to start off the computer of choice is an apple powerbook g4 1.67ghz dual layer burner high resolution model with 80gb hard drive and 128mb of vram, upgraded from 512mb of ram to 1536mb of ram
there for more then enough for ubuntu 6.10 (newest version for mac)
so i downloaded it and burnt fine, no errors
put it in, booted up fine, only problem i noticed was when it is actually loading the live screen before you install the loading bar has odd pixels on it in blue green and purple
ends up loading fine thought then installs fine and nothing wrong there until i tried using the track pad (external mouse works perfect) but the track pad barely moves at all, iv changed the mouse speed and nothing at all, doesnt go any slower or faster, also my wireless airport card is not found and when the install is completed it says to restart so i do
when i restart and its done shutting down it says to remove the cd which i do, then press enter to reboot, i tried pressing every key on the keyboard and it does not work
after much effort reburning the cd at different speeds trying different install modes (live video=ofonly, live-powerpc, live-powerpc64, etc.) i get the same problems every time
i then tried 4.10 for mac which i know works good because im currently using it on a 1996 imac g3 and its working pretty good now, only problem with that is adobe flash player will NOT install no matter what i do but iv already given up on that computer since i have the laptop now
so i tried that one and the install screen glitches out and has lines moving all through it and its really hard to read, almost as if the video cable is loose but on 6.10 it doesnt do any of that, only with 4.10 so what should i do?
the only reason i was staying with osx was to play halo but i fixed my xbox so i no longer need osx for halo so id like to become a linux user again, if anyone has anyidea's at all please lay them out im willing to try anything here to get this beast working again
that kinda worked, no problems installing at all, went smoothly until i restarted, i get a screen that says loading please wait then the screen slowly changes from white to green then purple dark purple then black, nothing happens after that
i tried 8.04 for mac and when i type in any boot mode they all go to a black screen so thats fail right there.
im trying more releases like 7.10 because i can always update from there, this is using so many cd's getting this working its almost not seeming to be worth it but linux is just so much better i want to get this working.
are there any tips anyone has for me to get this working?
for any version of ubuntu, i want ubuntu so beryl will work
i havent seen much eye candy for anything else out there thats why im picking ubuntu for my mac.
Don't know, someone has probably had the same issue if you google hard enough. You could also try another distro like Debian that would have official support for PPC, or post over in the Ubuntu forums for advice.
Beryl is dead too. You want Compiz. The effects get kinda boring pretty quickly though.
tried debian for powerpc, i downloaded all 4 dvd's and inserted dvd 1, everything worked perfectly, or so i thought
until it finihed with only 1 dvd being used, what was 2, 3, and 4 for?!
also the mouse is slow again and barely moves plus my wireless does NOT fine any wifi connections
also a usb mouse works fine, its just the touch pad that wont work