I'm gonna start this by saying that I'm not asking for sympathy, I just can't talk to my parents. This week, and I know it's not even over yet, has been terrible, possibly the worst week of my life. Begining on Sunday, my life has taken a turn down a spiral of pain and generally annoyance.
Day One: My day started fine, it was Sunday so I got lot's of sleep, awoke at about 2 P.M, to get ready for my ice hockey game against a rival team, I drive the 7 miles, and 20 minutes, to the game, only to believe that I had left my jerseys at home, so I drove back home, only to find that the jerseys were in fact in my hockey bag in the first place. Slightly annoyed, I took this as a freak mistake on my part, I figured I was exited about the game, and just didn't realize what I was doing. Not to be phased, I figured I could just use this aggression during the game, it's worked before. So my game began, I was playing decently, going back toward my goalie to get the puck, and passed it off I continued to play, only my play was drastically interrupted: an opposing team member hit my from behind, or from the side, no one was arround to tell, and managed to slam my head into the boards, not phased still, as I'm an optimist, I put it off as a good hit, and, with a slight headache, I continue playing, only I don't play, I stagger around the ice for 40 seconds untill the play gets closer to my bench. Once there I rest a few minutes and continue playing, with nothing but a slight head ache. My game finished alright, we lost throght no fault of my own or teammates as a whole, but my play was certainly affected from the hit.
Day Two: It's monday, and my classes provide me no problems until pre-calculus, I had a test in that class, and I thought I knew the subject pretty well. But during the test, I found that I would read a problem, and then when I went to work it, I had forgotten it again, and my head ache from the day before remained. With my limited thought process I attempted to finish the test, and managed to need to stay after, only to not complete 3 out of 20 problems. Once home I schedule a doctors appointment for the next morning.
Day Three: It's tuesday morning and I am awakened by my older sisters pounding on my door, and my head ache remains. I go to my doctors appointment, and once there am diagnosed with a concussion. I am urged not to play, but I show none of the life threatening symptoms I am warned of, so i continue my day as normal, planning to play another hockey game the next day. At school everything is fine untill I attend physics, I have a test in there, but, ever the optimist, I figure that I have always done well in physics, so I begin the test with confidence. Well my confidence was unfounded, as I had neglected to study an important equation, nor include it on my teacher-sanctioned half-page cheat sheet. I complete all of the multiple choice with a bit of guessing, but the writen problems stop me cold, the same problems regarding math inhibit me again, so I write an answer to 1 of 6 written problems and turn in the test, my optimism is fading.
Day Four: It's Wednessday, and my doctor's words of warning about being seriously hurn reverberate in my head. School goes fine, but my hockey game was another matter. I play the whole game, but avoid the necesary hits that a defenseman should complete, I played scared, thought conciously I wanted to play hard, I held back. We won this game, but im feeling bad, as I played really poorly.
Day Five(Today): It's thurday, and I am worried about my grade on my math test, but since my teacher did not grade them, school goes fine. Leaving school, the whether matches my mood, it's overcast, a little chilly, and raining, but I'm slightly enthused as I have a practice tonight, and despite my recent preformance in my game, I am eager for the ice time. Drive the 2-3 miles home from school, I slow to turn into my neighborhood, to between 20-25 miles per hour is what I quoted to the police officer, but in reality, it was slower. I am a confident driver, and I have had my 93 ford ranger for 10 months, and have never recieved a speeding ticket, nor been involved in an accident, but today I recieved both: I slowed to turn and my front wheels began to slide on the wet road, I let off the brakes to compensate, but to no avail, I hit another car, not seriously, but I still hit them. Five police officers came overall, which surprised me as this was a non-serious fender-bender, with no injuries (I hope...) and after all insurance information was exchanged, the officer let the other party leave, and wrote me a citation for unsafe speed for road conditions. Greatly annoyed I went home, I had informed my mother of what had happened, and she was happy that I, and all parties involved, were alright, I understand the citation as I am 16, and teenage drivers will always be blamed. It was my fault. Later that night I went to practice, and skated alright, towards the end of practice, we began a 3-on-3 scrimmaged, and with 1 minute left of our ice time, I hit/collided with an offenseman in my zone. While this collision/hit would normally be no problem, the play managed to step on an unprotected part of my leg and inflict a painful laceration. At home I limped to dinner, only to have my mother tell my father about my accident, so once grilled, I went to my room, and began typing this post.
The week isn't over, but may God help me.
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