First i know there are many threads about this, and i also made threads with the same problem, but no one re[plies... :( if someone can just give me directions or helpful advice to get PSX games running on my PSP i will be very grateful.
1. i am running 3.71 m33-4 with 1.50 subset installed.
2. i download the 3.71 m33-4 poploader plugins from HERE 3. well since the prx files are renamed all for me, i dont have to go though the newspardumper process, do i now?
4. then i drag the seplugins to the root of my memroy card
5. i go to recovery mode to enable poploader
6. i get hold of a eboot, say driver, metal gear solid, klonoa etc put them in the psp/game/eg.klonoa etc/eboot.
7. go to my psp game menu, the eboot appears with all its glory of custom themes and icons. i press on the eboot, the disclaimer notice comes up.
8, then this is the bit i cant get passed...the screen goes blank returns to xmb, than says " game couldnt be started (8000004) " along with sometimes other number varietys.
9. i tried every poploader by holding R when booting the game from 3.01 to 3.72 to original from flash same problem.
10. i change various kernel settings from 3.71 to 1.50 still the same, i tried no umd to sony no umd vice versa, still problem. all adavnce options disable still problem
11. or if i done some settings wrong on the recovery menu, can someone tell me exact settings to run the eboot.
12. did i miss a step? or doing something wrong?, i will greatly appericiate help.
13. before you say try different eboots, well i told you i tried diffferent games all do the same.
please someone give me help and directions so i can finally play PSX games on my PSP. Thanks in Advance.