I need to know the best setup for my situation. I keep getting "unable to connect." I am getting files from nzbsrus and using grabit. I keep getting errors in grabit, need help setting it up. I have read several tutorials, but I must be having a brain fart!
I have atlantic broadband cable, what hostname to use? what port to use, etc.
Yes I have a firewall.
Never used Grabit but very important to enter any username and password from your NewsServer. Here's another guide if you haven't seen it but no idea how old a version this is for: http://www.usenetmonster.com/HowTo/Grabit/Setup.asp I've never had to anything with a port or firewall, thought I would but hey. Atlantic does throttle torrent's for what it's worth.
I see the default port for Grabit is 119, you could also try these: 23, 25, 80, 443, 3128. I also see some thread's saying you need to port forward for a router and allow it in any firewall but as said, I haven't and see no speed issue. The jury seem's to be out on blocking usenet, some say ISP's do, some say it's not possible (don't see why not), anyway, give it a shot at an off peak time too.
I was using news.mozilla.org because "it is free" as my news server, and tried changing the ports I now get "cd not on this server." Do you have to pay for a news server or are there free ones out there. I don't know if I am doing something wrong with using new.mozill.org or not.
Don't know about free newsserver's but saw this: "Cheap newsgroup access is a sure way to lead to disappointment." Some good paid neewsserver's to have a look at are Powerusenet, Giganews, Astraweb.