I'm trying to burn a VIDEO_TS directory to DVD on my HP G70-212EM, running Vista Home Premium SP1, using the in built DVD writer ( TSST corp CDDVDW TS-L633m ).
The burnt DVD can be played on the drive it was burnt. However, the created DVD cannot be played on my standalone DVD player ( Sony DVP-NS305 ).
I have tried a number of burning tools ( Imgburn, Nero etc ), different media ( incl. Verbatim ) at different burn speeds but all result in a standalone DVD read failure.
I have taken the exact same VIDEO_TS directory and burnt to DVD using my works HP Compaq 6710b, running Windows XP Professional, on the built in DVD writer ( HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-T40L ).
Using the same tool ( Imgburn ) and the same media ( Verbatim DVD -R 16x ), burnt at the same speed ( 8x ), produces a DVD that can be successfully played on the standalone DVD player.
I have repeated this test a number of times and every DVD produced on the HP G70-212EM fails to play on the Sony DVD player , whereas every DVD produced on the HP Compaq 6710b succeeds.
Have I got a faulty DVD writer on my new G70-212EM? Is it Vista issue? Firmware issue?
I have spent hours trawling the internet for a resolution, but to no avail.
Do the disks play in any other standalone?
If you copy the (good) works DVD on your home PC, does it produce a working disk that plays on your standalone.
If you copy the home disk on the works PC does it produce a good disk.