Just upgraded to 5.00 M33-6 from the excellent 3.71 M33-4 (ran psx games like a champ) in order to get my homebrew to run full screen on video output. Every PSX game I have works (full screen) except for the beloved Resident Evil games (1,2,3).
i was wondering what i need to do , and how to go about doing so...to get these games working on this CFW...
Thanks again to everybody thats given me continued help on the badass Afterdawn.com...
By the way, I'm still having problems getting the PSP games and NES/SNES/GBA Homebrew to run full screen with FuSa 1.0.48...
I got my Resident Evil games to work by getting the popsloader for 5.00 m33. You can also change the ID with a program called "Simple Popstation GUI" In the program you will have the option to change the games ID. I changed my Residnet Evil 2 Game ID to "SLPS-01222" and it worked great.
I got it to work too but for some reason I found myself setting the disc speed to different settings. Setting the disc speed is an option you have while playing a PSX game and you push the home button. My game would freeze right before the first appearance of Nemesis at the police station, you know, where he kills brad. I suggest saving often and if the game freezes while playing simply reload your save and change the disc speed. I will admit, however, that i havent played the game since i upgraded to 5.00 so maybe that game works fine. try upgrading then just play the game as is. Hopefully it will work but if not just try what i said above about the disc speed. also, remember to change the ID to the same as RE2