I have a LEGIT copy of Vampire Darkstalkers Collection, a slim PS2 model no. SCPH-70012, and Swap Magic 3.8.
The disc boots up fine until I select one of the games within the collection.
After that, the screen remains blank and nothing happens.
Is there anything that I can do to get it to work without having to buy a Japanese PS2?
Could someone please tell me what possible solutions are there for my issue?
I have recently installed Free McBoot on one of my memory cards, but I still have been unable to figure out what I would need to do in order to get my copy of Vampire Darkstalkers Collection to work correctly.
I got the game patched and booted through ESR, but it still fails to load at the same part (After I chose a game within the game).
Perhaps I should explain 2 things:
1) The ISO is larger than 4GBs.
2) The game itself contains multiple games within it, as a compilation of games.