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Zen X-FI video problems
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8. March 2009 @ 03:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey all,
I have a Creative Zen X-FI 16gb mp3/mp4 player but I can't get any videos to play on it. I tried the included software, ultra buggy and hardly even starts. I tried looking for a specific to player converter; failed everytime. I tried using OJOsoft's Total Video Converter but nothing seems to work. With TVC I can get the video to convert, it just doesn't work on the player. Does anyone know of any free software that works?
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11. March 2009 @ 02:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So nobody's going to help me?
AfterDawn Addict
19. March 2009 @ 09:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I suspect no one had a good answer.

I don't either but... if I were you I would start with a 'clean' video. This is a copy, not an original, that has been cleaned up by FixVTS. I would not trust your app to do it all. I would try OJO on the clean disk. I suspect that will work. You can use handbreak a free converter. No all in one does a good job.

I suspect your original can not be read correctly and has read errors that are small enough that do not stop the process from continuing. The errors get worse for process to process.

I use DeFab Platnum re-rip a cleaned disk and convert to a portable video. See the Shrink forum if you need assistance making a clean disk.
8. April 2009 @ 04:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My brother bought one of these and is having problems with it. Every time he goes to transfer files to it he gets the message "creative Centrale has encountered a problem and needs to close". He is calling to me on Friday to see if we can sort it out. Re Musicman3's post, have you tried format factory as a converter? It's a free program 'n' ya can donate if you wish. Converts to MP4.Gonna try it with the bro's player when I see him....(",)**
12. April 2009 @ 19:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The ZEN X-Fi is compatible with the following formats:

MJPEG, WMV9, MPEG 4-SP, DivX 4/5 and XviD

Video format notes:

This product is not certified by DivX Inc. and may not play all DivX 4 and DivX 5 files. XviD encoded files are playable if they are encoded as standard MPEG-4 Simple (SP) or Advanced Simple Profile (ASP) without GMC and QPEL support. Other formats, for example MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, may be transcoded with the bundled software. Appropriate codecs must be preinstalled.

Video files when converted should be set at:
Audio/Video bit rate (don't think it really matters)

WMV format seems to be the best optimal format for video files.

Also you might want to give this a try, it worked to an extent for my ZEN X-Fi 8GB Any Video Converter (Freeware version)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. April 2009 @ 19:46

Junior Member
16. April 2009 @ 01:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There is a free program for video that has a Zen preset. I use it for videos & it works on both of my Zens (ZenVM & Zen) You can find it here.[url=][/url] > forums > mobile devices > portable audio players > zen x-fi video problems

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