I am currently running emule 30e and was thinking about updating to the new version. Does anyone know how to update without losing the credit points Ive earned using emule 30e.
::LivE ForeveR OR DiE TryiN!!::....::DonT FinD US WE WilL FinD YoU::..
ChecK OuT ThE PenguiN GamE AnD PosT YouR HighesT DistancE ON ThE ForuM
All you have to do is get the zip file instead of the installer, and copy emule.exe into eMule's directory to overwrite thte old one. All else remains the same.
Overnet contains lots of spyware now. Rushy: All you need to do is replace the credit file with the one that you had before. If I were you I would back up the whole credits/preferences and shit like that right now, just in case anything happened to it
Quote:-Updating from an earlier version of eMule:
The best way to do this is simply to download the .zip file (not the installer),
and unzip the new emule.exe to your old emule directory, overwriting the previous one.
No need to back anything up really, if you really felt the need just rename your current emule.exe to emule.bak and extract the new emule.exe to your emule folder.
Also, your credits are not stored on your machine, their stored on the machines of people you uploaded to. To maintain these credits, you have to keep your user hash. Your user hash is actually located in two files: preferences.dat and cryptkey.dat. But again, no need to do anything but replace the .exe itself, so don't sweat the credit stuff.
Also, while Overnet comes bundled with spyware, it is not a requirement to install said software, just untick the checkboxes during installation. There is an ad banner in the free version, but that's of virtually no consequence to a broadband user.