I've read on these forums that PG2 and encryption settings with your torrent client isn't going to do a whole lot to protect you from "anti-p2p" types when using torrent as these groups are able to harvest a whole bunch of IPs from a swarm without even connecting to you. I've been using PG2 but knowing this information, I'm quite paranoid. Is there any way to make public tracker use safe? It would be a huge sacrifice to give up public trackers period because whenever you have to keep your computer on to seed a torrent for 72 hours on a private tracker, it adds up to your electricity bill. I still use private trackers from time to time because they have some more obscure stuff you won't find on public trackers but I don't like to use it all the time. If I absolutely have to, I'm not opposed to using a proxy on p2p despite the sacrifice in speed so as long as it can keep me safe. Thanks.
I also try to use IRC as an alternative to torrent as much as possible but it can be really tough to find older stuff on there so I have no choice but to go with torrent in those cases. Apparently IRC is safe and companies are likely only to go after people who upload rather than download. IRC is pure leech but in torrent you are always uploading unless you don't have any other peers in the swarm leeching off you.
I watched my list and ip monitor the other night on an older film.. 8 hours and nothing that hit the lists.. so I guess if you stay away from the cams and the latest film out you will be fine. Those generate a load of hits almost immediately. The same with music.. f it's old and pretty obscure it seems safe.. especially as there is a very valid legal argument when it comes to something which has been classed as not even worth selling because it's old. When the only source of media is used.. they have a hard time proving you "stole" anything.. because it's impossible to deprive a record or film company of income when they don't sell the item!!.. governments still get tax on the used goods.. so they might side with the scumbag film and music companies.
Anyway.. there is no safe way to download anything now with isp's doing the spying... and not very much new content actually worth the effort anyway..
Don't try telling me it's a matter of life and death that you just must have the latest whatever superhero film.. because I will just tell people to get a life already XD
When you say "new content" do you mean 0-day and stuff that's been out only for weeks? I tend to avoid getting that stuff on public trackers. 0-Day or New releases? I go to IRC now. If you can find something on IRC, IRC is the best place outside of topsites (which I don't have access to) and newsgroups (you have to pay for good ones I think). IRC has fast speeds and it's pure leech. Hopefully IRC is safe. It's not like there are anti-piracy group moles acting as XDCC bots right?
If I get a new release on torrents, it's usually something niche on a private tracker. Basically stuff you won't find on public trackers or IRC (or at least it's hard to find on IRC if it is available).
If we're talking films, music, games, tv series, anime, apps, etc. that aren't new releases and I can't find on IRC, I'll use a public tracker. Though unfortunately, tv show episodes disappear from IRC quickly to make space for newer episodes. So I might get an episode that's like 3-4 weeks old off torrent if I have to.
Btw is rapidshare/megaupload/other direct download,etc. safe compared to P2P?
Heres what people don't seem to get .. irc xdcc is still p2p (peer to peer) downloading.. and you have no idea who has put whatever files on there for whatever motives... You could be downloading directly from the MPAA/RIAA because they have set up a trap bot.. and how would you know?
It's direct connection.. so it's guaranteed whoever the file comes from gets your ip.. even if you think you use a proxy.. look at the packet headers.. they have your ip in them so the proxy knows where to send them on to.
I always wonder when I see something listed as "full crack/serial 100% working".. then when it comes it's just the trial with no crack whatsoever.. as to just who put it up there on the tracker or host... and for what reason.
same thing goes for some of these 0day films.. which aren't, or want you to install a virus that when you try doesn't exist with a not found or a 404 after a redirect... IP logging perhaps?
NO way is 100% safe.. the only way to guarantee you will not get caught (and 30 pedophiles were caught in lancashire last year using newsgroups for sharing.. so now the newsgroups are the most closely monitored p2p file sharing methods locally because of it) is to not do it in the first place
Ok so there isn't 100% safety. But if you want a high level of safety, staying away from 0-day and new releases (how 'new' is new anyway?) or using private trackers if you need a new release is the way to go then?
Also what's the level of risk downloading from rapidshare/megaupload/other http/etc. compared to P2P?