I've literally read hundreds of posts/replies all basically asking the same thing I have on my mind, but Im just not understanding the answers. I've read the stickies and instructions, but so many things are contradicting each other.
For one thing, I heard I NEED 1.5 to be able to play any ISO I download. Now I hear all I need is a custom UI. I ditched the 1.5 firmware idea because im too cheap to go out and buy Lumines just to downgrade, and even if I wasnt, my UMD drive is busted and wont read any disc I put in anyway; the laser just readjusts itself over and over while the disc spins faster and faster.
What I need to know is, what EXACTLY do I need to do to my PSP in order to be able to play games I've downloaded from isohunt? I'm currently running 3.95 firmware.
First off is the firmware you currently have on your PSP Custom FW or Original Sony firmware??
If you have CFW than it really don't matter what version you have, for example I have 5.00 m33-6 and mine plays ISO's and CSO's and Homebrew apps just fine.
To install CFW on my PSP I bought a Pandora battery kit and it worked like a charm, but before installing It's recommended that you back up your memory stick just encase.
I just read a bit more while I was waiting for a response, and what i've gathered is that im essentially Effed on getting down to 1.5, unless I buy a pandora battery, correct?
Yes you will need a pandora battery, no you don't need 1.5. While installing 5.00 m33-6 it might revert the original FW back to 1.5 than install 5.00 CFW but that is something I am not sure about.
If you know anyone around your area with a pandora battery than you don't need to buy one, you can use someone elses. You only use the pandora battery once to install the CFW than you don't need it anymore so there is really no need to buy one, unless your like me and live in the boonies where there is no one around that even knows what a pandora battery is lol.
Well thats what I meant. Without a pandoras battery, it's impossible for me to get down to 1.5, so that I can start installing the custom firmwares.
I'm contemplating just buying a used PSP off ebay thats already at 1.5, just because im worried that my busted UMD drive will be more of a bother in the future. I tried to send it into Sony for a repair, but its well out of warranty and they wanted 89 bucks to do it :(
Well that decision is up to you wether to buy a used PSP or pay $89 to fix your current one. However since installing CFW I have not used my UMD drive even once. I do own 11 UMD games, but it's more convenient to download any game you like (even if you own the UMD) so that all those games you like are on your memory stick rather than packing around 5 UMD's with you everywhere. But again that decision is up to you.
Also you can find a pandora battery rather cheap on-line, like 10-20 bucks, so I personally don't see the need to buy a used PSP or fix the UMD drive on your current one.
some places its as low as $7 with free shipping and isince your firmware is above 3.52 then you wouldn't be able to downgrade to 1.50 and use that method anyway the pandora is the only way to go and especially if you brick or semi-brick your psp later on and need a quick fix without hassle and as for the magic memory stick needed with the pandora battery it can be made for free from several windows apps links for where to buy pandora or programs to make the magic memory stick are in my signature.