wii backups dvd-r
24. March 2009 @ 16:47 |
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Hi my name is anthony,
I have been reading about the wii back up games and ther is an issue over the dvd type to use, I have a wii that will play the dvds i have but not in any of my freinds thay will not, i realise some wiis dont mind the cheep dvds and others dont like them at all.
After going out to buy verbatim dvd-r thay didnt work, after reading a few posts on this site i realised thay needed to be made in japan/singapore and not tiwan were ever it is called, i have looked every were to get the ones made in singapore and no joy, even when you look on a web site to buy the right dvd-r you dont know weather thay are fake or jen so what do i do.
Am sure am not the only person with this problem were to go for the right media.Up to now i am looking at buying taiyo yuden prem line tyg02, can anyone gued me to the right place to buy them wich will be a 100% real.
Thanks for reading every one hope somone can help me and am sure others ho read this post will benifit to.
Thanks A. geraghty
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24. March 2009 @ 17:02 |
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You should be able to use ritek
24. March 2009 @ 17:27 |
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Are you saying ritek will work on all my wiis with know problems
AfterDawn Addict
25. March 2009 @ 11:42 |
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I don't know about genuine TY, but I buy my TY blanks from meritline in the US and have not had any problems with Wii backups. I have also used Verbatim -R and even Memorex +R with success. I have burned Wii backups to Ritek F1s with no problem.
My SSBB backup was burned to a GQ DL DVD+R, and GQ is NOT known for their great quality.
Some Wiis are very picky about what media you use and others are not, but that's a discussion for the Wii forum.
25. March 2009 @ 12:52 |
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Ok thanks for getting back to me , but av already orded some retek from SVP i will let you know how i get on i realy realy hope there the ones as i have already bourt a 50 pack and thay were no good, they worked on my wii but not my freinds. Any way i will let you know thanks for thwe reply. A
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25. March 2009 @ 18:06 |
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You can't ever guarantee anything you burn will work on other peoples machines.. That's the first thing you learn about consoles.
Are their wii's even modded? And why do you care if your burns work on their machines??.. are you selling burns?
26. March 2009 @ 07:49 |
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Hi thanks for replying first of all no am sertanly not selling them my family are asking me to find the right type of dvd-r for them to backup there games as thay are very exspencive.
know the reason i have come back on this post is just to say i receved my dvd-r from SVP i orded retek dvd-r and the stupid company has sent me PIDATA DVD-R well knowing i oreded retek i am not happy at all,The delivery from the company was good and that is about it, has anyone had this problem, will it be posible to get a refund even if i have opend them and used one of the discs plees get back to me and give your apinion.thanks all.. technoz..
AfterDawn Addict
26. March 2009 @ 10:06 |
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RIDATA is Ritek.
26. March 2009 @ 10:33 |
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can any one explain why they didnt work then.
can you tell me were to go and buy the dvd-r that is garenteed to work as i am on my 3rd lot now and still no joy..thanks..Technoz..
26. March 2009 @ 10:36 |
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I didnt say RIDATA I said PIDATA are they still the same kind?
AfterDawn Addict
26. March 2009 @ 15:23 |
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Did you buy these? (from the SVP website)
PiData Ritek G05 Full-Face Printable 8x DVD-R (Pack of 50)
If so, then you got what you ordered.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. March 2009 @ 15:35
27. March 2009 @ 07:20 |
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Thanks for reply
Yes i realise that know but av explaind to SVP that the media i orderd are not compatible for what i need them for. And as good as svp seem to be thay have replyed to my email saying thay will alow me to send the media back.
I did send the email asking is it possible to send a sample of each of ther dvd-r to see which one is compatible for what i need them for, the reason i asked that is i have perchest many diferent types know and iv still had no luck,This seems to be a real sticky subject on backing up wii games as know one seems to know edsakly were to go and what to buy to get the right type of DVD-R.
So I need to send back these DVD-R to SVP the only problem is i have never needed to send anythink back up to now so i havent got the slitest on what to do do i just right on the box return to sender or take it to the post ofic and give them the address to be sent of to SVP asked me to put the cart ref and product code and quantaty on it can any 1 put me frew the steps plees it will be much aprecheated.(spelling bad i know but am working on it )
Thanks for reading hope you can help..technoz...
AfterDawn Addict
27. March 2009 @ 09:02 |
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As for most of us, it's trial and error and mostly dependent on the Wii.
I started out with Verbatim and TY and haven't used anyhing else since.
"After going out to buy verbatim dvd-r thay didnt work"
Have you successfully burned any Wii backups? How do you know it's not a problem with your source material or your burner. This is a Problem that several other posters have encountered.
If you can't get Verbatim or TY to work then most likely something else in the process is the problem (your source material, your burner, or your modded Wii.)
I have used Ritek F1 for Wii backups in the past with no problem.
You can ask for samples, but I doubt that anyone would send them to you.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. March 2009 @ 09:04
27. March 2009 @ 10:26 |
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hi again thanks for getting back to me on this,first of all i have got backups that work using verbatim DVD-R (not the singapore ones)I got them from PC WORLD, thay all work on my wii but not my ants i realis the wiis are picky so i got the ritek and thay ony worked on my wii again, so i gues the ony thing to do know is to get the TY DVD-R but i have herd that the is fack going around so i dont know were to go and by them, do you know anywere that i can get them that will work.
I have been thinking i am using the riegen free backup player do you think if i used a different backup player that mite solve the problem?
I sepose i am lucky to be able to backup my games,with no problem but my ant is not so happy ass she has already lost alot of here games becous of cids scraching them,i gues it is possible its just getting the right media
AfterDawn Addict
29. March 2009 @ 20:18 |
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I have no problem with my dash format memosux Ritek-F1,plus format after they've been booktyped SonyD21,and Ritek-F16. My Wii does have issues with dash format Ty-G03 watershields.
Wii's are like any other dvd drive,what works for your's may not work on others.
Burner quality has quite a bit to do with the compatability of dvd backups. Dvd backups are tougher to read.Lots of variables can trigger a picky drive:
Burn speed
Media quality-certain MID coded media
Burn engine
Sticker labels
Backup process programs
Post back the brand name,model#,and current firmware version of your dvd-rw drive as well as your aunty's.
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
2. April 2009 @ 18:14 |
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Thanks for getting back to me first off can you tell me what you meen by dash format ?
now im going to go threw what you pointed out to me
1.burn speed= tried all
2.media quality-certain MID coded media ? Can you pleas explain more
3.burn engine= I think u mean nero
4.sticker labels ?can you pleas explain more
5.backup progress programs =nero if thats wot you meen
6.did not realise wot dvd burner you use matters ass the man said in the shop were I got it says it will burn anything .
And as it works for my console I don't see why not any other I just need to get the right media plees help someone as im going to order more, pleas tell me what to get and were to get
Thanks for reading Technoz
2. April 2009 @ 18:33 |
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So am i right or rong
this is wot i think there are two types of wii ther is the fussy wii and the not fussy wii.
the not so fussy wii is the one i have whitch will play retika/verbitam (the ones that aunt made in Singapore)and allother cheep media.
The fussy wii whitch will only play verbitam (made in singapore) TY and am sure there is many more i dont know of.
So if am right once i get the dvd-r type that will play in the fussy wii they should play in all wiis fussy or non fussy.
Again thanks for reading tell me what you think Technoz.
AfterDawn Addict
4. April 2009 @ 17:05 |
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1) Burnspeed: Keep around 4x
2)Media Quality: Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim and you'll prevent a lot of issues now and later. MID code is the Manufacturers Identification Code. It's who made that disc. Verbatim makes most of their media. They have had Ricoh make them in the past. Ligit Taiyo Yuden are made by Taiyo Yuden and should say Made in Japan on the wrapper. Everyone else like TDK,Memosux,Maxell,etc: They have multiple manufactures for all those brands. That means cmagnetics,ricohjpn,ritek MID codes can be in any of those brands.I had +16x memorex.Here's a prime example of Memorex that I ran into:
+16x Made in Taiwan 50 pk: Ricohjnp-r03-004
+16x CMCmag-M01
+16x Made in India:
The Ricohs were very good. The cmags and MBI were crap. Never know what you'll get when you use most brand name media.
To locate the MID code of your media,use nero infotool and it'll tell you. Keep an eye on it when switching spindles or other people's backups.
3) Burn engine = Nero: Try ImgBurn. A picky drive may have issues with one,so try the other.
4)Sticker labels? Some peeps put sticker labels on their discs. Generally a bad idea and playback issues arrise.Lots of people had issues with their backups and the usual culprit was sticker labels.
5 Backup Process programs: What are you backing up,what programs to rip and you're using nero to burn. What version of nero?
Example: Unrarring and burning ISO at 4x with ImgBurn.
Ripped using Rawdump2,burned ISO with Imgburn.
6) Burners are different.Some may prefer plus,some may prefer dash,most will do either.Your stand alone players,pc drives,and game consoles will tell you which format they prefer or you'll get a no disc error message. Then you have the current firmware version. Firmware controls the writing strategy so the burner knows how to burn that specific MID coded media properly.Nero infotool can also tell you your current firmware version go to whoever made your dvd-rw drive to see if there is a newer firmware update for your dvd-rw drive.
With a good burner like LG,Liteon,Benq,Plextor,NEC,and Pioneer-Backups will be easier to play. Crap drives like Khypermedia,HP,TSST- You will have more problems playing them. After using over 10+ burners,there is a huge difference in stand alone player compatability.
That's why you need to try some quality plus format media,test them out in all your drives,your buddy/ies and see how they fare with them..
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. April 2009 @ 17:09
5. April 2009 @ 08:17 |
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thanks a will try my best to under stand that post an i will get back to you by tomorrow thanks technoz