How do I play .MDS and .MDF's?
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24. March 2009 @ 17:44 |
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Most fo you have your games in .ISO or .ELF, but apparently there is another I didnt know of.
.mds and .mdf
I "got" the game Gradius3/4
When it finished it was .mds and another .mdf
Is there a loader that can read these file? And can somebody show me how to set it up?
Senior Member
24. March 2009 @ 18:00 |
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Well, you can burn them to a disc just like an ISO file, if you're playing your backups that way.
If you want to convert it to ISO... I know there's a fairly easy way, but I'm forgetting what it is.
I'm sure a quick Google should help you out.
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24. March 2009 @ 18:03 |
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Well see... the thing is is that i want to play the games from an external HDD.
im just wondering if there is a loader program that can boot them
Senior Member
24. March 2009 @ 18:44 |
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Not with the MDF directly, but you can open up the MDF using ISOBuster, re-save it as an ISO (I believe there's an option like "Export as ISO"), and then use whatever program you usually use.
If you're putting it on an external hard drive, I'm guessing that you're playing it using USBLoader/Advance?
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24. March 2009 @ 18:45 |
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Mount the image on a virtual drive.. nero/alcohol120% both have them and I assume a ps2 owner will have those..
Then just copy it to an iso file like you do with any ps2 disk XD
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24. March 2009 @ 19:26 |
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well this is teh first game i have downloaded and i also have a mac.
I cant use my moms PC because it has no Cd drive AT ALL.
Senior Member
24. March 2009 @ 19:40 |
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Well, according to HERE, the program Toast should be able to open it. If that doesn't work or you don't have Toast, then it also says something about using Parallels to do the same thing I mentioned above with ISOBuster.
That said, I'm not sure if there's a program for Mac that allows you to put games onto an external drive for the PS2 to read. (At least with USBAdvance, you need a program that configures the ISO so that it's playable on the PS2. You also need to make sure that your hard drive is a FAT32-formatted drive.)
...I dunno, any of that help?
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25. March 2009 @ 06:37 |
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Senior Member
25. March 2009 @ 11:12 |
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wildarms, do you even bother to look at what's already been posted? The guy's computer is a Mac. Alcohol 120% doesn't work on Macs. Well, not without another OS installed, at least.
And burning isn't the issue. Badachell wants to store it on an external hard drive to play on the PS2.
Come on.
Anyway, speaking of which, Badachell, how're you doing on this front?
25. March 2009 @ 13:56 |
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AfterDawn Addict
26. March 2009 @ 20:00 |
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You can rename the .mds to an .iso
I am not sure if the utilities for USBAdvance work on a MAC or not to install on external drive.
My consoles: Nintendo64>Dreamcast aug/99>PS2 V7-Seagate 400gb hdd-Maxtor 300gb hdd,PS2 V14 FMCB 1.8 - Memor32 >V18 SM 3.6 >DS-Lite-G6DS Real 16GB-R4DS Ultra 8gb SDHC>Gamecube-Original>Wii-Wiikey 2>PSP PHAT CFW 5.00 M33-6>DSi (Kingdom Hearts Edition)-EZ Flash Vi - M3i Zero Sakura>Kindom Hearts:Birth by Sleep PSP 3000>PS3 80GB. WiiU PS4 XBOXONE 3DSNDS
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. March 2009 @ 20:01
Senior Member
26. March 2009 @ 22:57 |
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smokyrain, do you know if MDS and ISO files are, more or less, the exact same? I would think that they contained the same files (obviously), but represented it differently or some such thing. Seems kinda odd that someone would develop a file format that's exactly the same as another.
AfterDawn Addict
27. March 2009 @ 00:12 |
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All I know is this has been asked before, and I found it on a mac forum for PS2 games.
The fellow tried it and it worked. I don't have a mac computer so can't verify myself.
That they renamed the .mdf to .iso and it worked when mounted or burned.
They both will contain the same files for the PS2 game, just each format uses a different compression for the image. Maybe I am not saying that correctly.
That doesn't go to say that it works for all formats,I am only saying for the .mdf to .iso on a mac computer.
My consoles: Nintendo64>Dreamcast aug/99>PS2 V7-Seagate 400gb hdd-Maxtor 300gb hdd,PS2 V14 FMCB 1.8 - Memor32 >V18 SM 3.6 >DS-Lite-G6DS Real 16GB-R4DS Ultra 8gb SDHC>Gamecube-Original>Wii-Wiikey 2>PSP PHAT CFW 5.00 M33-6>DSi (Kingdom Hearts Edition)-EZ Flash Vi - M3i Zero Sakura>Kindom Hearts:Birth by Sleep PSP 3000>PS3 80GB. WiiU PS4 XBOXONE 3DSNDS
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27. March 2009 @ 09:28 |
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As of now I have an external drive(YES!)
And I have USBAdvance installed and uLaunchElf ect..
Somkyrain, you say i can JUST change the extension? from .mds to .iso?
Btw..... Toast is like 99$ or somthing outrageous!
AfterDawn Addict
27. March 2009 @ 10:46 |
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Yes if the game is a PS2 DVD game, then you could try changing the name from .mdf to .iso
If its a PS2 CD game, then try changing it from .mdf to .bin
you will need USBUtility Version 1.0.2 to transfer the ISO image from your pc to the USB drive.
as I say I don't know if that works on a mac computer or not.
Or you can use the USBExtreme Utility or USBInsane to transfer the ISO image to USB drive.
USBInsane and the USBUtility 1.0.2 will let you transfer the ISO image directly.
USBEXtreme Utility requires you to mount the ISO image first using your Disk Utility on the Mac.
My consoles: Nintendo64>Dreamcast aug/99>PS2 V7-Seagate 400gb hdd-Maxtor 300gb hdd,PS2 V14 FMCB 1.8 - Memor32 >V18 SM 3.6 >DS-Lite-G6DS Real 16GB-R4DS Ultra 8gb SDHC>Gamecube-Original>Wii-Wiikey 2>PSP PHAT CFW 5.00 M33-6>DSi (Kingdom Hearts Edition)-EZ Flash Vi - M3i Zero Sakura>Kindom Hearts:Birth by Sleep PSP 3000>PS3 80GB. WiiU PS4 XBOXONE 3DSNDS