i have decided to mod my Xbox with Lite-on drive, and after reading a few tutorials decided to go ahead with it. So first i have tried to sniff a key with the Yaywoop's guide (http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=668247) but that did not work for me, so i made myself a max232 serial to TTL converter. But again it did not work, which was strange since i tested it and it should work. So i have decided to give up on spear/probe and bridge the r707 and solder the TX wire to it. But this proved more difficult than i thought, so finaly i just scraped some coating off the PCB around the r707 hole and soldered the TX wire right there.
Finaly i got my key! I have extracted it 2 times using JungleFlasher 1.55beta and in all 12 extractions the key was the same, so i went on and prepared my hacked firmware and erased the flash on DVD-rom. At the erasing point the windows frooze so i was forced to complete the flashing in dos using l-o-erase and dosflash.
Everything went OK - using l-o-erase i got the ff72 status, run dosflash erased with "liteon e" and than run dosflash again and wrote "w" and the hacked.bin wrote in all 4 banks OK.
But after sucessfull write the dvd-rom does not appear to work. It doesnt eject, nor does it show any sign of life when the xbox is turned on.
I have also made another firmware with the dummy from jungleflasher, as well as made another dummy from dump (key,inquery,identity) and corrected the serial numbers info. Every firmware writes ok, but the drive is still not functioning.
One more thing: I used my Xbox to power the DVD-rom during the whole procedure since i dont have a CK3.
Also when i was trying to bridge the r707 the two soldering points on both side of 707 fell off but i figured this isnt a problem since they werent connected to anything. (i would post a pic of this but atm i dont have a camera better than the one on my n95 - which isnt good enough)
I have read many forum posts from people with simmilar problems, but everyone seems to get the drive to work after sucessfull dosflash firmware write.
Does anyone know what might the problem be?