what online retailer should i choose? newegg,supermediastore,etc?
Junior Member
28. March 2009 @ 20:13 |
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hi,im wondering which online service offers better deals on blank media,dvd cases,etc.i'd like free shipping if possible and the best possible price on blank media and storage.any and all comments would be appreciated,thanks.
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Senior Member
28. March 2009 @ 23:17 |
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SuperMediaStore, Meritline, and Rima all tend to have pretty good deals on media. But occasionally Newegg will run a media sale that is hard to pass up.
Senior Member
29. March 2009 @ 00:12 |
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Personally I've ordered from Newegg and Supermediastore, I have been very happy with both so either choice is a good one. Look for the better deal on what you want. Personally I avoid the rebates but if that suits you fine then go ahead. Check out the Dumpster Diving Thread for the best deals on free storage cases.
I hope that this helps.
Senior Member
29. March 2009 @ 09:26 |
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Yes , Yes !!! what the Unimitatable blivetNC has said- and More ! All the retailers Mentioned are Fine companies ! I've ordered From Supermediatore, Meritline, & newegg.com on Many Ocassions With positive results each Time! I confess I have'nt ordered anything From Rima.com But I have only heard Positive Comments about them so I would'nt hold that against them! You Must decide first what your media needs are ? In as much as What's important to you! Free Shipping Newegg and the other Outfits all Offer free Shipping on Media But Supermediastore.com & Meritline.com offer it more regularly than Newegg.com does From what I've seen anyways ! Rebates ? I agree with blivetNC I'd rather have my low price upfront and not have to wait 6-10weeks for a check !I've had Problems with Media rebates before and that left a bitter taste in my mouth about that if you follow me ? But you maybe diifferent and not mind waiting ?. Quality of Media ? Is having a Brand logo on Each Disk Important To you ? ( Retail Media )= Branded disk Like sony, Verbatim . Tdk, ect... That have a Company /brand logo on each disc !Or Does the Quality of Disc Mattar Most ? Personally I go for Disc quality , Cost, & a Good Writing surface (Label area ) and If it's Branded Retail Media That's cool!. If thae Media is Bulk/Wholesale - From One of the online vendors mentioned and it is a Brand That I like& use Verbatim /Taiyo Yuden ect... Then that's cool too ! The Easiest advice I can give you is if You can get Excellent Media locally/Brick & mortar stores Cheaper Than you can buy media of equal or better quality online then buy retail/local if you can get the same Quality of media or better online in bulk cheaper including shipping & tax if any than do that ! Important thing to remember is always Buy the sales ( Don't pay the Inflated everyday price at a retail store That's to catch The Unknowing people out there not you or me ! 50ct. Cakebox Verbatim or sony onsale usually about $12.00 to $15.00 normally closer to the $12.00dollar-ish side of that price range ! though you may see prices somewhat lower for special sales /closeouts Black Friday ect... For a 100Ct. Spindle of verbatims or sony's onsale run $20.00-$25.00 area unless it's specialty media - Inkjet printable, Lightscribe orDVD+DL in which case you will pay more especcially for the lightscribe & DVD+RDL Disc ! The Printables Well a Little more Samsclub has The Verbatim Inkjet printable dvd's for $29.99 per spindle of 100 I think which isn't too much more if you need them ! Hope I have'nt thoroughly confused You yet ? One more thing If you want Taiyo yudens While you can occasionally get them from newegg ! Or If you Find some made In japan Sony's Rare Or Made in a japan Fuji's ( nearly extinct )- Tayo yuden is Pretty much an online only kind of thing ! Though you probably Knew that already ? anyhow good luck my friend and happy Shopping !!!!! Ps#1 blivetNC- Thanks for the Free Plug for the Dumpster Diving Thread !!!!- CiaO y'all
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Junior Member
29. March 2009 @ 10:58 |
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thanks again for all y'alls comments.i really appreciate the responses.i went with supermediastore and ordered the dvd cases that hold eight discs in one case.i have multiple tv series like smallville,sopranos,heroes,etc that i wanted to get out of my spindles and into something a little easier to organize.Sms offered free shipping over $25.00 so that kinda clinched the deal for me.I'll let y'all know how they work out,thanks again everyone.p.s im from texas so thats whats up with the "y'alls",ha,ha,lol.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
AfterDawn Addict
29. March 2009 @ 11:03 |
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I had a problem with supermediastore that took close to two weeks to correct. I then placed my order with newegg and recieved my shipment the next day.
99% of all problems are between the computer and the chair.
Junior Member
29. March 2009 @ 13:43 |
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what was the problem you had with them? i hope i dont have the same problem.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
AfterDawn Addict
29. March 2009 @ 20:24 |
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I've ordered occasionally from the big 3 of Rima,Supermediastore,and meritline. Check them all out,take into account the cost with shipping and opt for the cheapest price. Also newegg.
My beef's usually with USPS or UPS if the pkg has to be signed for. I'm home from work well after their delivery times.
DHL went under,so no more beef with them, LOL!
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
Senior Member
29. March 2009 @ 22:04 |
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If you are at work, why not have UPS deliver it to your work? I've done it in the past, works well, and you'll usually have it in your hands before 10:30 AM.
AfterDawn Addict
29. March 2009 @ 23:23 |
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My problem was that they would not accept my Visa gift card but the purchase amount was pending on the card so I couldn't use it until it was cleared. After almost two weeks and many phone calls, it finally cleared. I then ordered Verbs from Newegg and was burning them the next day.
99% of all problems are between the computer and the chair.
AfterDawn Addict
30. March 2009 @ 19:23 |
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They're pretty anal at work. You're not even allowed to walk out with an old cardboard box,scrap pc of plastic sheeting, or anything.
If it's bigger than my lunchbox,then security guards or other associates would give me hell.
Ty watershields is the only media I purchase on the web. Plus format still way too much $$ and dash format gives me more issues to take advantage of those prices.
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
Senior Member
30. March 2009 @ 22:23 |
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Oh well, just a thought Saugmon.
Sigh, sometimes being the boss has its perks.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
31. March 2009 @ 11:54 |
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I get most things shipped to me at work as well, including my blank media.
I've yet to use Newegg for blank media. I've been using Supermediastore with no hassles as of yet.
Senior Member
31. March 2009 @ 12:32 |
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Originally posted by 7thsinger: I get most things shipped to me at work as well, including my blank media.
I've yet to use Newegg for blank media. I've been using Supermediastore with no hassles as of yet.
I've used Newegg for alot of my blank media. I've bought quite a few spindles of TDK's and RiData's from them. TDK's have free shipping from time to time, and the RiData's, the 100ct spindles have been on free shipping since I first bought them early last year....and for $19.99 a spindle, it's hard to beat that price!!
Senior Member
31. March 2009 @ 13:15 |
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rtm27 The only thing you might have problems with newegg is rebates ! it only happened once & Verbatim Blamed me , Newegg Blamed Verbatim Ect !!! - Upshot Make Backup copies of the Upc /Coupons & any paperwork required just to be safe ! Personally Just give me a straight up good price without the rebate ! That's what I like !!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
31. March 2009 @ 17:10 |
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The rebates I got from Newegg were mainly on the external HDD's and an external dvd burner I got from them. Never had a problem with them on rebates, Hammer and LG were very easy to deal with, and received me my rebates within a month.
Senior Member
1. April 2009 @ 10:05 |
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rtm27- it only happened once & I did do a rebate order or 2 since But Photocopied all my paperwork and the upc and everything went fine those times ! Not necessarily Blaming newegg Per se' I've orderd from them before that incident and since ! The Point I suppose I did'nt make correctly or elucidate/expond on properly was That often the Rebate programs are handled by third parties under contract ! and Too many cooks can spoil the broth !!!! as the Old saying goes ! ! You have Newegg ot whoever offering a product with a rebate , you have the manufacturer of the Product that's actually Paying for the rebate , and then there's the third company administering it - More chances For Human error and Plausible Deniability !!!! - The more hands the rebate paases through the more likely your gonna get Took IMHO anyway !!! But past is past and I move along regardless !!! Like I said I just prefer a Straight up good deal Without all The paperwork and Secret agent Decoder ring Junk that goes with it ! that's just Mw ! But I respect you opinion and your right to differ !!! Freedom of Choice It's the Amrican way !!!!!!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Junior Member
3. April 2009 @ 23:27 |
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I received my dvd cases yesterday and am very pleased with the quality and the delivery time for standard ground shipping.thanks to everyone who replied to my post.
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