WinMX bandwidth priority
14. March 2004 @ 05:23 |
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Hello all... New to AfterDawn, and hoping someone can help me out a little here; for some reason, I can set the bandwidth priority for my downloads, but can't do so for uploads. When I right-click on an uploading file, and the menu pops up, "set bandwidth priority" is not... um... 'clickable.' Any thoughts or solutions to this? Thank you. (I can also be reached at
14. March 2004 @ 12:39 |
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Take yer email out bro, you'll get spammed to death ! ;-)
14. March 2004 @ 13:11 |
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Who would list their primary email address at a messageboard? Believe me, I couldn't get spammed any worse at Hotmail than I already do. Good lookin out, though.
Now, back to my question...
Senior Member
14. March 2004 @ 17:20 |
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well how do I put it when I used it it COULD not be done now no ideas .......why do you specify only outta intrest its aloadda shite to Me ......
scrit no idea who ya be but ya was adivised a very good point on the spam part if ya care not to adhetre to info of this site well::)) your choice
::LivE ForeveR OR DiE TryiN!!::....::DonT FinD US WE WilL FinD YoU::..
ChecK OuT ThE PenguiN GamE AnD PosT YouR HighesT DistancE ON ThE ForuM
14. March 2004 @ 17:30 |
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I specify WinMX cause... um... that's what I'm using. And re the email thing... It ain't that serious, people... I'm a big boy. And the Hotmail account is expressly for this kinda thing. Thank you all for your concern, though!
Now: Does anybody have anything to offer regarding the WinMX problem I'm experiencing?
Senior Member
14. March 2004 @ 17:37 |
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ok scrit heh!! ya a big boy then ya can play with em .......
I suppose to the rest of us having a hotmail account is cool::))
not that theres nothin wrong with that tho
::LivE ForeveR OR DiE TryiN!!::....::DonT FinD US WE WilL FinD YoU::..
ChecK OuT ThE PenguiN GamE AnD PosT YouR HighesT DistancE ON ThE ForuM
16. March 2004 @ 05:43 |
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Quote: why do you specify only outta intrest its aloadda shite to Me ......
That's helpful, lol. Overnet is great, but by no means the end-all dude. There are other file sharing methods out there. Each have their pros and cons, but in the end, this forum is here to answer specific questions, not to down everyone who mentions some other p2p app besides what you use. Even if (god forbid) someone has a question about Kazaa (ewwwww). If you feel the need to express your hatred of all p2p apps besides Overnet, please pick an appropriate forum, such as the Safety Valve.
That being said, I myself use WinMx occasionally for rare music, there's lots of jamband stuff and rare stuff on there, even if it's not the best program in the world, the network is cool. It could use an update, but it's still functional. To the best of my knowledge, there is no setting to control upload priority in WinMx. I will let you know if I happen upon a solution!
17. March 2004 @ 12:28 |
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Yes, the Bandwidth Priority option is in the drop-down when you right-click on a currently uploading file. And I get asked by other users to increase their bandwidth priority. So... it's there, but I can't use it for some reason.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
Account closed as per user's own request
31. March 2004 @ 22:39 |
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wow its not easy getting a tech support answer at THIS forum...
the bw priority assigns an amount of outgoing bandwidth for each person to whom you are uploading based on the total amount you are offering. for it to know what amount of bw you are offering you must set a maximum upload speed in the settings area and click the 'limit' check box next to it to turn it on. you'll find the priority tree enabled after that.
to set your max upload speed just imagine the amount your isp gives you (which is probably in kbps, so divide by 8) and subtract a little to allow for return packets (otherwise your download speeds may be effected).
if you need further help im sorry but i just got this account to answer your question which i happened upon in a search and i dont see any reason to return to a support forum populated by children. but you can try one of the chat rooms in winmx and tons of ppl will help you out.
good luck
Suspended due to non-functional email address
1. April 2004 @ 09:33 |
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1. April 2004 @ 13:51 |
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Mattrage, DDuke, and AEYJay... Thank you ADULTS ;-) for offering real help! Also, someone emailed me a couple of weeks ago, I guess, with the solution to the problem I was experiencing... feelin a little silly now about it, but this is how we learn. After the initial flurry of insipid replies to my post, I sort of threw my hands up and said 'forget it,' but luckily I didn't unsubscribe from the thread, and am now able to thank you guys. It was much appreciated. And for those of you who obsessed about my choice to post my WEB-BASED email address: I'm getting less spam since I did it. So, this has been a positive experience all the way around... ;-) ...Peace, y'all.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
5. April 2004 @ 14:47 |
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Okay guys i need your help. I have an HP computer from about 1998. I have a dial up in internet connection and Windows 98. My brother is sort of the computer know it all in the family and i don't know what he did to our WinMX program. For some reason he is the only one who can download things or do anything on it. His two screen names are the only ones that work. I can get into the program and look at stuff but i can't download anything. If anyone knows what is up please help me. You can e-mail me at if you want just please give me some answers.
"Can the pestilence within you be bled out may i have the hornor of this amputation? Know that you have made an enemy to show you the meaning of indignity I live soley for the pleasure of your slow decay. Feel the pain of vengence burn you, soon you shall