First I apologise if this has been answered already, I have trawled through afterdawn and countless other backup forums with out any luck finding the specific answer.
I own FF 7, unfortuntly my 2 year old managed to get hold of disc 1 and..well...scratch it up, I orginally tried the 'tooth paste' fix but this didnt work. So I decided to download a backup, as I legally own the game.
I own Swap Magic 3.6 and happily downloaded disc 1 and burned it to a cd-r, thinking I could use SM 3.6 cd-rom to load up, of course I hadnt done any research and soon found out this didnt work.
So I started to look..
I found a few promising ways, eg using the ps2 browser to trick into to playing a back up, but alas I have a slim v12.
I looked into some MC Exploites, but from what I gathered they are only aimed at FAT PS2.
So now it leaves me scratching my head.
Hardware : PS2 Slim v12 with 3 sensor blocks thanks to magic keys
Software : Swap Magic 3.6, and AR Max .. i think its EVO
So..please, anyone, can you guide me in the right direction so I can continue to play one of the best RPG's
so your wanting to play your backed up copy of FF7 disc 1 on your slim ps2 without any other software's? its pretty easy really. all you need is any original ps1 game to do it. just have it that when you have your ps2 lid open the disc still spins, and just do the swap disc trick to boot your backup ff7.If i remember.. its just put original copy, at right time swap it with the backup game while the ps2 lid is open and the disc still spinning, then swap backup with original and then swap original for the last time with back up and that should boot it? lol something like that =]
There's an elf floating around that will help you. I have it and it's named psxlauncher.elf, but I don't know what else it goes by. I don't know if that is it's original name or what, it was in a torrentpack with other ps2 elf files. It's like cogswap for psx games. Go into ulaunchelf, put in an original psx game (detected). Launch the elf and the disc will stop spinning. Do an undetected swap, press X, and the game loads. As long as your console is V9+, it should work.
12azkal, that sounds like the old swap trick performed on the ps1 console, not the ps2. Do not try that, it'll damage your console and possible yourself.
Just to confirm, the psxlauncher.elf is for the v9+ ps2s. For those with v1-v8 consoles i'm pretty sure there's another way, don't worry.