i tried burning single and dual layer...im using anydvd and clone dvd to burn. but when i try to watch the copied disc it reads "error" on my dvd player. any thoughts?
This does not sound like a burn problem, not necessarily. Does the DVD player give any error messages? Might it be something as simple as trying to play PAL DVD in NTSC DVD player?
im using anydvd and clone dvd to burn. but when i try to watch the copied disc it reads "error" on my dvd player. any thoughts?
What format are those verbs and what format were the other brands that worked?
Play one of those verbs on the pc and see how it handles them.
You've most likely have a compatability issue with your stand alone player.Backups are trickier than originals. The picky players display No disc types of error messages like: No Disc/Dirty Disc/Wrong Region,Wrong Format,and Illegal disc. Depends on what dvd player and the certain message it displays. Sony yields Dirty Disc and Sherwoods displays Wrong Format.
I've even witnessed a PS2 that wouldn't play Ricohjpn Verbatim +4x but no trouble with the exact looking +4x MCC-002 verbs.Some players can have trouble with a certain MID coded media.HKere's how to narrow it down:
1) Format of blank media is the usual culprit. Stick with the format that suits your drives. But,when you get a future player,it may like the opposite format.That's where #5 comes in.
2) Burn engines can give a picky player fits. Try another like ImgBurn,Nero,Copytodvd. I've seen this many times.
3) No sticker labels. If using them,peel one off and see how your player reacts to it.
4) Burner quality. Not all burners are alike. Variations between them and the capabability that they can achieve. Some put out low compatable backups and other put out very high compatable backups.When issues occur,then look for the latest firmware update. The main difference between a good burner and average burner,is the bitsetting capability to booktype the plus format to dvd-rom. This process will yield a higher standalone player compatability rate.Not all drives have this capability. Also,some brands of dvd-rw drives issue very few firmware updates,if any. Another reason to use quality dvd-rw drives.
5) There's a lot more other culprits that can yield that no disc error.
jas: What's the brand name,model #,and current firmware version of your dvd-rw drive?