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onkyo TXSR806
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9. April 2009 @ 04:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a satllite receiver connected to my av amp the programes are broadcast in dolby digital but my av amp only outputs the sound in dolby plx is there a way of chaging this?
9. April 2009 @ 19:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If the signal is dolby digital but only 2ch DD this will be your problem as it will select Dolby PLX.
Is there a small digital sign on your amp when on these channels?
This means its digital but as I said maybe only 2ch.

If you are sure that the signal is 5.1DD check your setting in the sattelite receiver and make sure they are set to DD and not mpeg.

In Australia our digital tv can be broadcast in 2ch DD and 5.1DD but the information on DTV quide says Dolby Digital only not how many channels, its only when you see it displayed on the amp/receiver that you know!

Hope this helps
10. April 2009 @ 03:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for that, but the programmes are delivered by SKY tv and the movies channels are in Dolby 5.1 have checked sat settings and they are set to Dolby Digital can't find any answers in manual either.
When watching DVD's it always defaults to DTS even when watching a Blueray disc in TrueHD Dolby format and you have to alter sound settings PS Can't do this with sat sound input.
10. April 2009 @ 18:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Possibly your sound input setting for dvd on your remote is fixed and saved at DTS and not AUTO or LAST or something similar when you press the dvd button on the remote.
Can you set the sound format to auto for each input? so for instance if you press your tv or dvd button on the receiver remote it auto detects the sound input?
This is probably why your amp defaults to DTS on blu-ray movies as the input may be saved as DTS only on input selection.

I assume though that whatever your sky tv input to the amp is in that its set to auto detect the sound format.

There isn't really much else I can tell you that if those settings aren't auto detect than there may be something electronic wrong although I dont believe this to be the case.

Good Luck
AfterDawn Addict
11. April 2009 @ 05:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i also have an onkyo amp previous and i find blueray auto changes to what the soundtrack is,on my remote i can change soundtrack aswell,dts,thx,all speakers etc,i have not checked what sky sends out yet. > forums > home theater > receivers and amplifiers > onkyo txsr806

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