Hey, I looked through the Xboxsuper troubleshooting thread, but did not find a solution to my exact problem, so I'm seeing if I can find help here.
I have had this Xbox hardware modded for probably around 2 years now, and it has worked beautifully during that time. However, I took it traveling with me recently, it survived the 1st trip, but as I got it home, it no longer functions properly.
Now when I power it on, I use the small power button. The power light stays green, however, there is no video, (or perhaps no time for video) I hear 4 faint bleep-like noises, in rapid succession, and then it totally powers off. This all occurs within the span of about 2 seconds. I checked to see if any cables were loose to the drives, but they were tight. As I had it apart, I tried it again, and this time, I saw a red light internally flash twice before the system shut itself off as well. The video capabilities of the Xbox still work just fine because I can still power it up by pushing the cdrom/dvd drive button. Of course, it gives me a problem message, but this is normal, as it is modded.
Before assuming the worst, or proceeding any further, I decided to consult this forum. Could anyone give me a diagnosis on to what might be the issue? It's been a long time since I've been in there, and I would prefer solid assistance as opposed to bumbling around.
My first feelings are the psu has failed.. one of the rails is missing.
try llammas forums.. there are quite a few causes for a non starter.. some can be fixed others not.
Ah thanks Varnull, I will try that. If what you suggest is true however, is there a connector that plugs into the mobo? I might just try tightening that, as it could have loosened if you think that's the issue.
Well, I mentioned before when I started it with the eject button, it starts up like normal... but obviously after it gets done with the X-box green splash screen it goes immediately to a get service screen. This is normal however since it's modded.
It could be power, but it doesn't seem like that is the issue.
I'm still looking for other suggestions of course :) I'm out on a trip currently, and do not have much equipment available to repair it. I'm thinking of just creating a softmod x-box to tell the truth, then hoping to just plop the old HD in it.
That's not really normal.. it should boot a dash whichever way it is started unless you have the bios set to boot a different dash on each button. The eject function start confirms there is nothing wrong with the psu.. so I would start investigating from the power button.. check the traces along the edge of the board.. there are pics and power switch info on llammas forums.