First,Im sorry i don't know alot about consoles,cheat devices etc...
Anyway my problem is when i select some cheats and start the game(GT4)and i put my original disc of GT4 and it loads about 2-3 secs and says:"Game did not start.Please re-try." What is wrong?I have Codebreaker v10.I have Slim PS2 and chip will be(i ain't sure if it's right chip) - Mars Revolution.Please help me anyone.
First off, are you using Retail Codebreaker 10 or a burned DVD
Either way I am not sure how Codebreaker works with your modchip, but you could try going to options in Codebreaker, set the "disc tray option" to "off"
Select your cheats, swap your disc for GT4, then hit START Game, press X again to start game.