Converting and playing videos on my PSP used to be fine when i had official firmware, but ever since i updated my firmware to cfw 5.00 m33-6, ever video i've converted it says on my PSP that it is unsupported data :S... what do i need to do differently? The type i convert the video to is .mp4 as i always have done... Please help
Originally posted by Squall11: Converting and playing videos on my PSP used to be fine when i had official firmware, but ever since i updated my firmware to cfw 5.00 m33-6, ever video i've converted it says on my PSP that it is unsupported data :S... what do i need to do differently? The type i convert the video to is .mp4 as i always have done... Please help
This is odd. Have you tried re-installing the CFW?
Make sure you put it into the Video folder (Not the one in the iso folder). If they are in there and still not workng then they are not supported.
I just tried one - it did not show up in any other folder but it did in the Video one, I have renamed it and as long as it has .mp4 at the end seems to be fine (some forums say name as MV00001.mp4) I did this but changed it to Chicken Run.MP4 and it still worked.
what if your PSP does not have a Video folder? where do I copy my videos to?
I put a video form my computer to the PSP but when I look in the PSP I don't see anything in the video.
just go the root of your memory stick and if you dont have a folder there already called VIDEO then right click and make one and out your videos in there.
I some how though that would be the issue. Tried it and did work.
I can see that the memory space did change from 948MB to 577MB but the video tab keeps saying there are no videos
I used to see movies just fine and hear music. but left it sitting so long and now will not play music becasue I can't enable WMA since it will also not connect to internet. I may just give up and throw it away :(
I will restore settings but I think it will stay as version 2.71 either way.
It is saying there are no video's because it cannot play them, there are various types of MP4 files, find and download SUPER this will convert them for you and it is free (although a pain to find on their website - just keep following the links)
Guess what? after I restored default settings it created two new folders in the MP_ROOT, 100MNV01 & 101ANV01
I paste the video in the 100MNV01 and works :) thanks for your all your advise. now I will have to deal with the internet issue but no response on my new forum yet.
it just won't connect :(