i'm converting .mp4 hd movies which are in 5.1 and im just trying to get them back to 2 channel so i can stream them on my xbox 360. the encoding goes fine and after completion all i get is a text file that has the log. what am i doing wrong, and is there an easier way to get my .mp4 to steam on my xbox. thanks.
03:32:48 0.98.3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - START JOBS - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
03:32:48 Selected Input file: E:\Movies\Bride Wars.mp4
03:32:48 Selected Output dir: E:\Movies\temp\
03:32:48 Selected Final Name: Bride Wars 2
03:32:48 Selected Container type: MP4 03:32:48 Selected Encoder: X264 03:32:48 Selected Size: Same as Source / 1
03:32:48 Selected Profile: 2_Pass_PS3_XBOX360.xml
03:32:48 Selected Resizer: SimpleResize (neutral soft) / AutoCrop Only
03:32:48 Selected Filters: RemoveGrain(mode=2)
03:32:48 Selected Deinterlacer: AUTO
03:32:48 Selected Field Order: AUTO
03:32:48 Manual Crop&Resize Enabled
03:32:48 Left Crop: 0
03:32:48 Top Crop: 0
03:32:48 Right Crop: 0
03:32:48 Botton Crop: 0
03:32:48 Manual Width: 1366
03:32:48 Manual Height: 768
03:32:48 Track Language 1: Stream #0.1(und): Audio: aac 03:32:48 Audio Codec 1: NeroAAC 03:32:48 Audio Quality 1: 0.50
03:32:48 Audio Channel 1: Stereo
03:32:48 Track Language 2: NONE
03:32:48 Audio Codec 2: Nero AAC 03:32:48 Advanced Audio Settings DUMP Track 1
03:32:48 Nero Option Profiles: AUTO --- Encoding Mode: Quality
03:32:48 CCT Option Profiles: AUTO --- Channel Options: AUTO
03:32:48 Lame Settings: ABR 03:32:48 Audio Normalization: 1
03:32:48 Frequency: AUTO --- Tempo: NONE --- Pitch: NONE --- Other Add:
03:32:48 Extracting audio track 1 Stream #0.1(und): Audio: aac with ffmpeg 03:32:52 Unable to determine movie properties , switched to DirectShowSource
03:32:56 Number of Frames: 133435
03:32:56 Framerate: 25.000000
03:32:56 Movie length in Seconds: 5338
03:32:56 Movie Width/Height: 1280/688
03:32:56 Number of Frames: 133435
03:32:56 Framerate: 25.000000
03:32:56 Movie length in Seconds: 5338
03:32:56 Movie Width/Height: 1280/688
04:38:56 Source is declared tff by a margin of 85/100.
04:38:57 Advanced Deinterlace Routines Log
04:38:57 Analyzed 349 sections of five frames
04:38:57 Found Interlace Sections: 0 0.00%
04:38:57 Found Progressive Sections:349 100.00%
04:38:57 Found Telecined Sections: 0 0.00%
04:38:57 Found Zero Mov: 100.00% 349
04:38:57 Found One Mov: 0.00% 0
04:38:57 Found Two Mov: 0.00% 0
04:38:57 Found Three Mov: 0.00% 0
04:38:57 Found Four Mov: 0.00% 0
04:38:57 Found Five Mov: 0.00% 0
04:38:57 The Movie is declared to progressive 04:38:57 Starting X264
04:38:57 Command Line 1' Pass X264: C:\Users\Travis\Desktop\AutoMKV\exe\encoder\x264.exe --pass 1 --bitrate 2209 --stats "E:\Movies\temp\.stats" --ref 1 --progress --keyint 24 --bframes 3 --qpmin 7 --qpmax 51 --no-psnr --filter 0,0 --subme 2 --direct auto --vbv-bufsize 14000 --vbv-maxrate 25000 --me dia --no-ssim --level 4.0 --ipratio 1.1 --pbratio 1.1 --b-adapt 1 --partitions none --threads auto --thread-input --aud --aq-mode 1 --aq-strength 1 --sar 1:1 --output NUL "E:\Movies\temp\movie.avs"
04:38:57 Command Line 2' Pass X264: C:\Users\Travis\Desktop\AutoMKV\exe\encoder\x264.exe --pass 2 --bitrate 2209 --stats "E:\Movies\temp\.stats" --progress --keyint 24 --bframes 3 --qpmin 7 --qpmax 51 --no-psnr --mixed-refs --trellis 1 --ref 3 --filter 0,0 --subme 6 --direct auto --vbv-bufsize 14000 --vbv-maxrate 25000 --me umh --no-ssim --level 4.0 --ipratio 1.1 --pbratio 1.1 --weightb --b-adapt 1 --partitions p8x8,b8x8,i4x4,i8x8 --8x8dct --threads auto --thread-input --aud --aq-mode 1 --aq-strength 1 --sar 1:1 --output "E:\Movies\temp\movie.264" "E:\Movies\temp\movie.avs"
04:39:20 Finished 1' Pass X264
04:39:22 Only Movie Size: 0 bytes
04:39:24 Switched to FFmpeg for Video Encoding!
04:39:24 FFmpeg.exe String: "C:\Users\Travis\Desktop\AutoMKV\exe\BeSweet\ffmpeg.exe" -an -pass 1 -r 23.976 -threads 2 -i "E:\Movies\Bride Wars.mp4" -vcodec libx264 -bf 3 -b 2209000 -cropleft 0 -croptop 0 -cropright 0 -cropbottom 0 -s 1366x768 -an -deblockalpha -1 -deblockbeta -1 -directpred 2 -refs 3 -subq 8 -mixed_refs -dct8x8 -o -y "E:\Movies\temp\movie.mp4"
04:39:24 FFmpeg.exe String: "C:\Users\Travis\Desktop\AutoMKV\exe\BeSweet\ffmpeg.exe" -an -pass 2 -r 23.976 -threads 2 -i "E:\Movies\Bride Wars.mp4" -vcodec libx264 -bf 3 -b 2209000 -cropleft 0 -croptop 0 -cropright 0 -cropbottom 0 -s 1366x768 -an -deblockalpha -1 -deblockbeta -1 -directpred 2 -refs 3 -subq 8 -mixed_refs -dct8x8 -o -y "E:\Movies\temp\movie.mp4"
04:39:26 Fished FFmpeg Encoding!
04:39:26 "C:\Users\Travis\Desktop\AutoMKV\exe\matroska\MP4Box.exe" -add "E:\Movies\temp\movie.264":par=1.860465 -add "E:\Movies\temp\:lang=und" -fps 23.976 -new "E:\Movies\temp\Bride Wars 2_full.mp4"
04:39:27 Final Muxed size: -1 bytes
04:39:27 Encoding finished: 00:00:07 elapsed time
04:39:27 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
04:39:27 Script movie.avs
04:39:27 #loadpluginstart
04:39:27 #test1
04:39:27 #importstart
04:39:27 #test2
04:39:27 movie = directshowsource("E:\Movies\Bride Wars.mp4",fps=25.000000,convertfps=true,audio=false)
04:39:27 movie = isRGB(movie) ? ConvertToYV12(movie,interlaced=true) : movie
04:39:27 movie = isYUY2(movie) ? ConvertToYV12(movie,interlaced=true) : movie
04:39:27 function getOrder(clip c) {
04:39:27 order = GetParity(c) ? 1 : 0
04:39:27 Return order }
04:39:27 #filter1start
04:39:27 #test3
04:39:27 last = movie
04:39:27 crop(0,0,-0,-0)
04:39:27 fixed_aspect = 1.860465
04:39:27 out_width = 1280
04:39:27 #Aspect_Error = 0.000%
04:39:27 out_height = 688
04:39:27 #resizestart
04:39:27 #test4
04:39:27 SimpleResize(1366,768)
04:39:27 #filter2start
04:39:27 #test5
04:39:27 RemoveGrain(mode=2)
04:39:27 - - - - - - - - - - - - FINISHED JOBS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -