Networking Section
1. June 2009 @ 14:58 |
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I am on AfterDawn all the time, but if I have a question about networking, or about a networking component, I have to go to another forum.
I think that many of the people on Afterdawn are qualified enough to help with networking issues, and that having the section would attract more to the site.
From xbox 360 networking to just a home network, IP ranges, protocols, I believe it would give the site more traffic and people like me who are members somewhere to go without having to go to a different forums just for those questions. Honestly, until I had a question the other day, I never realized that AD didn't have one. Surprised me!
8 product reviews
17. June 2009 @ 04:25 |
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I agree, this would be a good idea. Far too often do I find people posting about networking problems, and because it's cross-platform networking (for instance PS3 to a Windows XP Media Server) they end up posting in the wrong place or don't recieve the help they need because of a lack of network-wise people in those forums.
Creating a networking forum would give people who are knowledgable a place to patrol and provide assistance, while people who are novice would have a definative place to go for all of their needs.
Plus we could, if the site's authorities agree, offer guides in this section such as breaking WEP keys, router tips and tricks, DNS configuration (useful for game/website hosting), and much, much more.
17. June 2009 @ 21:57 |
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breaking WEP keys is a no no & can get you in big dodo. we usually either edit thast type of post then warn or edit, warn & close the thread.
8 product reviews
18. June 2009 @ 03:54 |
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So I take it that getting permission for that sort of thing is completely out the window, lol.
Alright then, there's still plenty of LEGAL uses for a networking section (though granted they're not as fun, lol).
18. June 2009 @ 03:59 |
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There are tons of issues that a proper Networking Forum would help out with. I think there are a lot of people on Afterdawn that are knowledgable on Networking and they could help more people on the topic if there was a specific place. I know that I for one don't browse the other forums as much as I do the ones I post in the most.
If there were a specific forum for a topic I knew a lot about, I'd check there pretty regularly as I do with the xbox 360 forum.
DDP, get some words to the higher ups, :-). Afterdawn could use this!
18. June 2009 @ 04:52 |
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I have to say, apart from basic PC networking and basic wireless networking, the only threads i ever see are how to connect games consoles, and now i think about it most of those are either xbox 360 to wireless questions, or PC networking questions in the PC Build forums. So personally i don't see a need for a separate section (for example it's hard enough keeping all the xbox 360 questions out of the old type xbox forums).
Maybe it's just me but most networking questions that arise/would arise on Afterdawn are always basic networking questions, that could either be solved by a simple search, or by anybody with simple gateway/router knowledge. As a Unix Admin, even my networking knowledge/the networking i need to use day to day isn't massively different to the basic networking questions we get here (that's why we have Network Admins!). The only difference i can think of is that i have to configure trunking/failover networking, in Solaris it's called IPMP ie IP Multipathing (now that's something amazing to see in practice), and we most certainly don't have that here :)
Not trying to knock the idea of a separate section, i just don't see a need over and above the basic PC and games console sections.. (and i'd be concerned about people being confused about which forums to use - just look at how many closed 360 threads there are daily, in the old xbox forums).
Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
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18. June 2009 @ 05:55 |
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I understand what your saying creaky. And right now I don't see a lot of networking questions either.
But I'm willing to bet a lot of people do like I do and go to a different forum for networking questions. I don't even bother asking here because there isn't really a forum for it. I just like to be...faithful to Afterdawn. Since I've become a member and active here I have had good experiences helping and being helped and would like to keep my activity here.
And the mod part of it...well I can't really say anything as I have no real insight, aside from my noting in the one thread to you that there are a ton of posts in the wrong xbox forums. I think a question about xbox networking could be answered in either a networking exclusive or the xbox 360 forums being as its likely people in both could answer it. Asking a question about how to make a larger IP range for a small business WIFI setup would be very unlikely to be answered by the average xbox enthusiast.
Maybe AD could add a couple mods for the extra load? I know there aren't many of you and AD seems to grow daily.
18. June 2009 @ 05:58 |
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AD prides itself on very few moderators :)
As i say, i'm just commenting on what i have seen/i see currently in the forums, i'm not against the idea of a new section, just adding my own thoughts on the matter, let's see what the Admins have to say.
Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
18. June 2009 @ 06:00 |
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EDIT: Double Post
I'm finding Charter isn't very reliable..Keeps resetting connection
I like that you are putting in your opinion. Atleast lets me know someone is taking notice, :-).
And if it makes you feel better, with the few mods AD has, I think you all do a pretty good job. I see a few things slip by but the major things are taken care of.
But while on the topic of networking, and I have seen your setup so I believe you might know a little about it, I'm looking into getting another desktop and using it as a storage/server. I am wanting to use it to store my DVD's and stream to my tv as well as a backup for my laptops. Would a cheap computer(that I'm upgrading with parts I already have, such as HD video card, tv tuner, ram, HDD, basically I am going to buy the tower and MB) be good for that?
It will be wired with a ethernet cable to my router whilt my laptops are connected wirelessly and will be connected to the tv through HDMI.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. June 2009 @ 06:06
8 product reviews
18. June 2009 @ 15:53 |
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Assuming that your TV Tuner, RAM, and Harddrive aren't all complete rubbish, then yes, it should work swimmingly. Just be sure that you get a good fast motherboard with a high RAM cap (Not a cheapo that caps out at 2GB) and be sure you give yourself plenty of storage space.
500GB is really nice, but why stop there when you could get a full 1TB AND SPEED UP YOUR COMPUTER by putting the two 500GB SATA drives as RAID-0. :D
Sorry... Nerdiness overwhelms me from time to time. *clears through*
Yes... Networking Section... Good.
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4 product reviews
30. July 2009 @ 18:01 |
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Originally posted by ddp: breaking WEP keys is a no no & can get you in big dodo. we usually either edit thast type of post then warn or edit, warn & close the thread.
its real easy too i can tell you how to crack WEP heres what you need A router A microwave and a swiss army knife.
to get to the wep you need to take your knife and jab into the plastic molding and pry some of it off.
once you can see the wep you take your microwave and put the router in it this resets the wep so you can finalize the setting later.
once all this is done you know have complete control over all actions,and the cosmetic changes look awsome.
see that was easy.
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8 product reviews
30. July 2009 @ 23:46 |
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Originally posted by DXR88: Originally posted by ddp: breaking WEP keys is a no no & can get you in big dodo. we usually either edit thast type of post then warn or edit, warn & close the thread.
its real easy too i can tell you how to crack WEP heres what you need A router A microwave and a swiss army knife.
to get to the wep you need to take your knife and jab into the plastic molding and pry some of it off.
once you can see the wep you take your microwave and put the router in it this resets the wep so you can finalize the setting later.
once all this is done you know have complete control over all actions,and the cosmetic changes look awsome.
see that was easy.
So would that be the Popcorn or Defrost button on my microwave? lol
BTW: Holy thread revival!
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31. July 2009 @ 01:06 |
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in Popcorn mode you get faster results but for obvious reason defrost is more stable
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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. July 2009 @ 01:08
31. July 2009 @ 01:25 |
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Go buy a new microwave, they make it even easier! Instead of going through different waves to crack the WEP, you can specify from type of router! They have options for chicken, steak, beef, hamburger, reheat, all sorts of models! This way its even quicker than popcorn, and just as stable as defrost as it pinpoints the specific models!!!
And come on, the turn-table is just awesome, gives you better reception all around the router.
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31. July 2009 @ 12:52 |
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Do you find it is more effective if you wrap the plate in tinfoil and jam it in one certain position?
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31. July 2009 @ 12:58 |
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Originally posted by varnull: Do you find it is more effective if you wrap the plate in tinfoil and jam it in one certain position?
Multiple positions usually work faster, with greater results. The cone method for instance.
31. July 2009 @ 13:12 |
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this is for feedback & suggestions you know.
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31. July 2009 @ 13:30 |
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Originally posted by ddp: this is for feedback & suggestions you know.
oh we need a piss an moan section.
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31. July 2009 @ 13:42 |
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safety valve, dummy.
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31. July 2009 @ 14:18 |
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Well that didn't work out as much as i had expected... about a things not to put in a microwave section i think it would be intersting.
what about you Big D.
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Suspended permanently
31. July 2009 @ 15:18 |
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How about instead a "Things you SHOULD put in a microwave" section.. that sounds like a lot more fun *grins* .. see my 1-1 dvd copying method for an example.
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3. August 2009 @ 01:21 |
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Aye, indeed!
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28. October 2009 @ 00:47 |
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Just adding my 2 cents, since I came here to suggest the same thing but to my surprise was this thread. Here we go with another thread revival!
I think a networking forum would be a cool addition to the site. I can understand the mods point of view, that it may not get a lot of attention, but have you looked at any of the psp sections? They're completely dead lol.
I think a networking forums would be a good addition, as it will give a place to ask for what kind of hardware should be used. Or at least give us networking buffs a place to hang out :p . A lot of the questions may be basic but so are the vast majority of questions on these forums.
I do happen to see a few networking trouble shooting questions asked though.
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28. October 2009 @ 01:01 |
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us network admins have places to hang out already.. it's called google and writing guides for our respective sites.
there really is nothing to be gained from reinventing the wheel.. networking works the same on every computer everywhere.. so long as you are capable of reading the damn manual (and occasionally thinking about the problem logically, tearing up the book and just making it work.. creaky will know exactly what I mean with some unix setups)!!! that's the problem these days.. people have forgotten how to read and comprehend. Try solaris9 and an unsupported nic on a network that doesn't run any dedicated nameserver though the routers do provide DHCP services... the host looks for a name.. as it's alias.. and when it doesn't get one defaults to something the network doesn't understand resulting in no ip allocation.. fixing that little nightmare? now THAT'S fun, and can't be told on forums or learned from a book.. it's intuitive, undocumented, and very likely the wrong way to set it up.. but hell, if it works then :) .. just don't break your netscape before you get ff downloaded like I did.!!!
networking is 10% learning, 85% understanding and 4% luck.. the other 1% is random chance (usually through sideways thinking) or the odd occasions when plug'n'pray works.
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28. October 2009 @ 03:50 |
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the PSP thread is dead simply because its the same questions being asked over and over.
the same would happen to the networking thread. the underlying principle of networking hasn't changed since it was used in 1969
Granted there are new Standards built on networks just about every month, but thats it.
telling people 5 million times what sideband addressing and jumbo frames are isn't going to sound anything Like how do i get custom firm ware on my psp using pandora, now is it.