Hello everyone, first time messaging, long time reader. Before anything, I would like to apologize about not going through google or searching through the website, at this point Im so confused that I don't know what will work for me. Anyway, down to business; I recently bought a used silver Daxter 2000 PSP. The owner says it has already been hacked, under the System Information tab, it says that its 5.00 M33-4. I know that this isn't the latest Cfw, but I don't know how to update it as well. All I really want to do with the system is to play copied games with it and be able to cheat using the CWcheat program. Any help with my problems or pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
well if you think updating it is necessary, the network update should work to update your psp to the newest hacked version 5.00 m33-6.
Whether or not you update you should be able to do those things you would like, there are a few guides to help you. Just look up ISO/CSO topics, and CWcheat topics and you should find your answers.