Anyone have any luck with American Beauty, Almost Famous, or Mission Impossible 1 & 2? I get an error every time. Is this a fluke on my end or do these have some kind of killer protection that the latest Shrink and Decrypter can't figure out? I've tried cleaning the discs, even using plastic polish. (two discs were new anyway).
Odd note: When they fail reading the disc, my DVD icon in Windows XP will disappear and no program will be able to access the drive until I restart the machine.
Otherwise I've had great luck with these programs and the info/people on this board.
That's good news, I'll try other discs then. I can't remember all the details, but MI1 and MI2 both had the same trouble so I assumed it was protection. In DVDShrink I couldn't even do the initial scan. With DVD Decrypter it would just give up after the default # of trys, finally I set Decrypter to ignore errors and keep going, but the result was full of missing pieces. DVD43 and AnyDVD couldn't get them, and WinDVD4 wouldn't play the discs at all.