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ouch!!!!!-arrest for one file even ....??
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27. March 2004 @ 00:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
chk this out

"A draft bill obtained by Wired News, recently circulated among members of the House judiciary committee, would make it much easier for the Justice Department to pursue criminal prosecutions against file sharers by lowering the burden of proof. The bill also would seek penalties of fines and prison time of up to ten years for file sharing.

If the draft becomes law, anyone sharing 2,500 or more pieces of content, such as songs or movies, could be fined or thrown in jail. In addition, anyone who distributes content that hasn't been released in wide distribution (for example, pre-release copies of an upcoming movie) also would face the penalties. Even a single file, determined by a judge to be worth more than $10,000, would land the file sharer in prison

"i woulhd have stuck to sniffing coke-only the ice cubes tend to get stuck in my nose" : #ad_buddies
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27. March 2004 @ 13:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Not Surprised by this at all! The Problem is, the Music and Movie Industry is being covered completely by a bunch of corporate assholes. Anybody with a recording studio in their garage is part of the music industry if they make music but the RIAA mainly call themselves the musaic industry and say that filesharing threatens the ENTIRE music industry. That however is wrong, it threatens them! And thats why they are scared. But really, if filesharing does win, will it be the end of music and movies, fuck no, in fact it would make it a lot better. People would finally realise that there is more than the RIAA and being apart of music doesnt mean u have to go get a record deal with one of these labels!

So if i asked the average teenager on the street, what does it mean to be part of the music industry, what would i hear? Money, Platinum CD's, World-Wide Tours, Women, Women, Women, NO.1 Hit, MTV Cribs! THATS NOT WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT!!!!! ITS ABOUT THE MUSIC FOR FUCK SAKE, ITS CALLED THE MUSIC INDUSTRY FOR A REASON, NOT THE MONEY, PLATINUM CD'S & WORLD-WIDE TOURS INDUSTRY!

So Why are the RIAA REALLY afriad? THE FUCKEN POWER OF THE ENEMY THATS WHAT!! The power that p2p has, sending music from one side of the world to the other within minutes. Its so easy now to have your music spread accross the world, look at Bill Lonero, without the net, would i even know Bill existed? Hell No! The dawn of free music is here and I dont mean ripped music that the industry claims to own, i mean real talented artists who dont give a fuck about today's view on the music industry letting their music loose online, and thats amazing! so the RIAA will do anything they can to stop this, even if it means criminalizing millions of downloaders, tempting site owners and radio stations with their "dirty money", helkl id say they'd even kill for it! all i can say is SIT ON YOUR HANDS FOLKS, DONT EVEN TALK TO EM, DONT LOOK AT EM, IF THEY SPIT IN YOUR FACE DONT GIVE THEM THE SATISFATION OF U SQUINTING, HIT EM WHERE IT REALLY HURTS, THEIR MONEY, SUE THE SHIT OUT OF THEM FOR ANY LITTLE REASON U CAN, INCLUDING INVADING YOUR ONLINE PRIVACY, LETS BRING THIS CORRUPTION TO AN END AND FAST!! All I can say is, I'm In! :-)
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28. March 2004 @ 00:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey Dela very nice post:}
P2P in one shape or another has been here since the dawn of time .....I dont go back long but in the 80's we swapped music tapes or video tapes ....dunno if every one did but most ppl I know did .......
in the 90's it became cd's to swap or to back up n let mates borrow em so that your collection grew
now the technology hasd so fuckin caught up that it is almost as superior as there own technology that they are frightened they are scared
well mr RIAA your time has come .......your domineering has ended we all play on the same ball park now .....n well if ya fancy ya chances play the game if not change or become extinct

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28. March 2004 @ 06:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I agree, nice post Dela. Much more concise than your previous rant. ;) Looks like at the rate the EU is going, you'll really have something to rant about before too long!
Staff Member
28. March 2004 @ 11:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well what can I say, you have to rant about shit from time to time or life gets boring so I'll continue to rant rant rant rant rant :-) lol > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - p2p software > ouch!!!!!-arrest for one file even ....??

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