´´A Question about a DVD writer i am buying´´ Need Advice
22. September 2002 @ 07:08 |
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Hi i am buying a DvD writer this fridays coming..
and i am into Xbox,Ps2 and dvd movies..
i have heard of:
pioneer ao4 and Sony DRU500A
that people say writes +dvd r + rw dvd
- dvd r -rw dvd and the standart cd r and cd rw
but i dont whick one or if there is a nother one is better i just want to buy the best one so i dont have problems later
to backuo my ps2 dvd and xbox dvd games..
I am new at this..
Junior Member
22. September 2002 @ 07:37 |
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Definitely go a for DVD-R/RW drive. These are more compatible with DVD players. I don't have anything against the +RW format but it just has compatibility issues.
22. September 2002 @ 07:54 |
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harvey713 thnx bro..
but the sony says it burn all the formats
so you recomend the pioneer ao4
it does the work for ps2,xbox and dvd?
22. September 2002 @ 22:08 |
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I to have to go for the Pioneer, I just bought one 2 weeks ago. And just what Harvey said, it has all the better features for more backing up. I heard that the sony which is +RW is only good for backing up Data (Harddrives) not for what your purposes is on mines.
Junior Member
12. October 2002 @ 15:44 |
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OK, this is a really late reply. The Friday you refer to has come and gone. Tell us what you finally got. I have nothing against Sony, they make quality equipment but you also need to make sure everything you have works together. So, give it up.
12. November 2002 @ 07:54 |
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the sony dru500a will burn DVD-r/rw, DVD+r/rw and dvd-ram... it is definitely NOT just for data. I've burned many dvd-r's and play them back in my Toshiba SD2800 home player just fine. It's an AWESOME burner
AfterDawn Addict
12. November 2002 @ 15:59 |
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dvd+r/+rw work in every consumer dvd player i have tried.. why are people having so much compatibility problems? are they using crappy generic media? i personally use cheap memorex video DVD+R discs (at your local bestbuy) and they work excellent..
oh well..
just my .02
Junior Member
12. November 2002 @ 17:00 |
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I just bought an OEM Pioneer DVR-A04 under the name "Pine". It included software and a 2x blank. At Fry's at slightly over $200 after $60 rebate(best deal) Writes 1x and 2x fine. Tried 1x memorex dvd-r, and got 9 out of 10 movies to work on my Mac. Will try on my pc as soon as I could figure out an EASY way to do it. Drive is GREAT so far.
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13. November 2002 @ 00:52 |
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I'd give up the idea about backing up xbox games. The files are insanely huge and won't fit properly on a DVD-R. I have copied many movies to DVD-R/RW and they both work fine in my Xbox. Maybe someone else knows more about Xbox games and will have a better answer.
2. December 2002 @ 08:47 |
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Hi, i am considering buying the new pioneer dvr-105 but am having the same problem, it uses minus media and i need to know if i can back up my PS2/X-Box, more PS2 but X-Box would be a bonus, if this dvd writer can't, then can someone recommend an alternative, thankyou
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2. December 2002 @ 13:03 |
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layser ive just got a pioneer dvr-105 drive and have backed up loads of PS2/Xbox games and movies on dvd-r media and they all work perfectly.
a word in your ear always use good quality media as ps2's are a bit picky.
copy protection.... whats that then?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. December 2002 @ 13:05
3. December 2002 @ 16:27 |
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Hello all... I have purchased a sony dru110a dvd+rw dvd writer... My question is does this writer only use dvd+rw or does it also use dvd+r? ikeep being told that it will use the latter but i need to know for sure before i waste money on the wrong media... also i am 1 for 1, i made a back up of my movie under siege using dvd decyrpter with no problems at all. 1ghz 384mb win98 sony dru110a... please let me know if anyone for sure knows what media this burner can use? Thank You all
AfterDawn Addict
15. December 2002 @ 09:38 |
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here some quick info on xbox backing up (a very crash course run through)..
To burn xbox games you need to install a mod chip into your xbox (i installed a matrix, no solder and you can update the bios without removing the mod chip).
After you get that installed, you need to run Evolution X Dashboard from a CD-RW disc or you can install it directly to your harddrive to replace the microsoft dashboard.
Once you get that installed, you will need to hook up your xbox to a network (i have a DSL router, works great). Once the xbox is on teh network and has an IP address, you will need to FTP into the xbox from your PC, enter the IP address of your XBOX. The login info is this:
user: xbox
password: xbox
(this is for the evolution x dashboard)
Once you ftp into the xbox, it will show 6 folders.
The C: is the main folder.
The D: is your XBOX's DVD Drive (thus where the game we are trying to backup is located)
Now you want to download all teh files from the D: to your computers HD.
After it finishes, you need to create an XBOX iso file (xbox games will not read in your pc's dvd drive, just will show you a layout similar to dvds just a VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folder).
Use xISO for this.
Once you create ISO, burn it to a blank dvd+rw with nero (this way you can test it before you actually use a dvd+r).
well thats a brief intro xbox backing up, check out the xbox forums (do a google search for them)
ps the hardest part of this is finding the bios's and evolution x dashboard, good luck!