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Slow Downloads, after forwarding Ports
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12. April 2004 @ 15:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am not really sure what is going on, however I do know something. I went ahead and followed all the instructions that camdog had in his post about slow bit torrent download speeds, which I am definatley expreiencing, (i.e. 3kb/s, 4kb/s, etc.) and forwarded all my ports, (at least I think I did). Could someone please tell me what is going on? I mean I know movies are supposed to take a longer time to download, but not 3774 hours! haha. I've heard everybody else saying that as soon as they forwarded their ports, they were getting like 250 kb/s. I'll occasionally get that with Kazaa lite, however I'll never get it with Bittorrent. It really stinks. I tried forwarding my ports (on the computer that was connected to the router btw), but it didn't seem to work. I also forwarded my ports from the computer on the router. I don't know what to do!!! Can someone PLEASE help me because it is really starting to bug me.

Any help would be appreciated...Thanks alot!
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12. April 2004 @ 16:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
first make sure you are uploading, the more u upload the faster you download. second u might not be able to get those high of speeds, u can only go as fast as your internet is
what type of router are u using?

AMD athlon 64 3200+
ATI 9800 pro all in wonder
Memorex dual x format
ps2 v10, Magic V 5K6
12. April 2004 @ 16:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have on my computer downstairs (the one that has the wireless router connected to it) a dell truemobile 2300 wireless router. I also didn't know whether or not i needed to forward the ports on my upstairs computer (the one that has the slow download speeds using bit torrent), or the ports on the downstairs computer.
Also, i have roadrunner, and with kazaa lite, i def. got more than the usual 5 kb/s (sometimes not even that). So i definatley know that it could go higher than what I'm getting.
Please help me fix this problem! I'm desperate!
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12. April 2004 @ 17:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
wait how many routers to u have? 1 or 2....

cuz if u have and it connects into another one, it will be harder to forward the ports because u have to do it on both,
explain how your internet is all setup

AMD athlon 64 3200+
ATI 9800 pro all in wonder
Memorex dual x format
ps2 v10, Magic V 5K6
12. April 2004 @ 17:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok here's how it's set up:

A computer downstairs has the cable modem that's hooked up to it to give it internet access. Also the computer has a wireless router so that when we plug in a network card into out laptop my family has, we can go anywhere in the house and still have wireless internet from that router. I just recently built a computer and put it upstairs, and (through the walls i assume) it was wired so that I could have roadrunner also. I just go ahead and plug a CAT-5 into my ethernet port on my computer upstairs and I have internet. Now, i'm not sure whether or not that CAT-5 is connected to the router, my guess is it would have to be. We have only one router, and that is downstairs.
I tried following the steps for the thread called like "Slow Downloads from bit torrent" to forward my ports, and just kindof guessed at what I should do when I got to the advance settings from my router's page. (So I guess that answers the question of whether or not this computer upstairs is connected to the router. It must be yes, since I can access the page). All I did was try to forward my ports using the IP address given by the command prompt and command ipconfig /all, which should be correct. After I forwarded my ports, my downloads from Bittorrent were still going increadibly slow, like right now as i'm downloading two movies one is at 15 kb/s (but randomly drops to like 1 and 2), and the other one is at like 3 kb/s or 4 (it's been like that for a steady couple of hours). I'm assuming since the download speed isn't jumping up like everyone else said their's did, I did something wrong. I just don't know what?!

Get some more people on this problem please, because I don't know what is going on!

*Get's on his knees* - I'm begging! :)
O.k...that's basically it.
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12. April 2004 @ 17:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
which bit torrent client do u have??

try going throught it again, make sure u have the right ports (6881-6889) make sure u have "Protocol
TCP" checked and this might ound stupid but make sure u pressed enable and apply

AMD athlon 64 3200+
ATI 9800 pro all in wonder
Memorex dual x format
ps2 v10, Magic V 5K6
12. April 2004 @ 18:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I downloaded the Bittorrent Client v 3.4.1, and i'll double check...does it have to be 6881-6889? Why so? And iight i'll check to make sure I hit apply.
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12. April 2004 @ 18:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yes! it has to be 6881-6889, and it does because those are the ports it uses. make sure u have the name of program as "BT"......your using the REAL bit torrent client right?

AMD athlon 64 3200+
ATI 9800 pro all in wonder
Memorex dual x format
ps2 v10, Magic V 5K6 > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - p2p software > slow downloads, after forwarding ports

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